Saturday, 29 July 2017

Disturbing Message To All Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada

Disturbing Message To All Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada

10 Hard Facts About the Holocaust

The 271,301 figure may actually be 271,304, with a poorly reproduced four, if you check the other places where 1 and 4 occur in the document you may see a greater similarity with 4 in other places than with 1. The figure is also for all peoples, races and POW groups, and out of that total a maximum of about 120,000 could have been Jews, possibly much less. Later, the IRC revised that figure of 271,30(4) very slightly higher, but not significantly higher, around the 280,000 mark.

Of course, the Jews heckle us to remember ONLY their fake 6 million, even under threats of legal action and imprisonment n many countries, in a very crafty move designed to hypnotize us out of being able to understand that WE were the real victims, with 60 MILLION dead Gentiles in WWII, and over 50 million dead Gentiles in WWI, with WWII being a direct continuation of WWII, the real object being to destroy Germany which was the only country strong enough in all of Europe to be able to block a Communist advance from Russia right though Europe, that having been the original intent of the earliest Communists, understanding that an earlier attempt by the Jews to take over Russia was made in 1905, and the Jews never mention how several million Bengalis were deliberately made to starve to death so that Jewish 'son of Israel' Churchill could steal their harvest to feed his troops, which was a massive 'Allied' war crime. The erroneously and deceptively named 'Allies' were no friends at all to any except the Jews, as the Jews plainly state that they wish us all dead.

Jew Karl Marx stated; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, great and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust."

Talmud; "Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed".

Rabbi Stephen Wise ""Some call it Marxism..., I call it Judaism".

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Dick Cheney Poisoned Hundreds of US Troops—They’re Dying & Were Just Told They Can’t Sue

Dick Cheney Poisoned Hundreds of US Troops—They’re Dying & Were Just Told They Can’t Sue

In Service to Nature: Efforts in South Africa and Australia

In Service to Nature: Efforts in South Africa and Australia

Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal to Reason

Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal to Reason

watch The jewish Laws Against Non-Jews.wmv

Russian Disclose on Neuschwabenland and the Vril Society

Flower Power: Stories from the Black Sea

JEW SHOCK: Discover Jews: Your Life May Depend On It. Jewish Lies, Juda...

The Hidden Cult : the Jewish Ritual Murder ► full HD ◄

Rabbi says kill non-Jews who refuse to follow Jewish laws

Rabbi says kill non-Jews who refuse to follow Jewish laws

LSD Experiment - "Schizophrenia Psychosis Induced by LSD25" 1955 CIA Fun...

Yes, There Is a Government Troll Training Program

Thursday, 20 July 2017

With the Jews, Children Lose

With the Jews, Children Lose

"You were built as food for the Anunna Gods" Direct Translation, Oxford,...

Rakshasas, flesh-eating demons, control this world, passing themselves off as ordinary humans, we are food for them energetically also, this is why 'many politicians' who tire in their work and pastimes simply have a quick energy snack, a young human child, and the Purim ritual sacrifices including the drinking of the blood of young children are well-recorded.

✅ Anunnaki gods, planet x truth and the Sumerian slaves !!! (EXPLAINED)

An interesting video, but the Srimad Bhagavatam, an ancient Hindu scripture, describes kingdoms of human beings, albeit very likely different species to those today, living on Earth several hundred million years ago, and undoubtedly, there have been several different species of humanoids on earth in the past, including giants, cone heads, dwarf-like creatures with huge heads and so on. The Srimad Bhagavatam states there are 400,000 different species within this material universe, and that there are many millions of other material universes.

For much evidence of other humanoid species having lived on this planet in the past, see the excellent YouTube channel by Vlad9, who has compiled masses of evidence for this.

Maybe this is what governments of the world really collect gold for, and where it is all going, after all, what value does gold really have, virtually none at all excellent some for rare industrial applications, but not enough to make it command the value that it does have today, or for whole nations to exchange all other forms of wealth in commodities to purchase massive quantities of actually quite useless gold (useless on this planet) in such huge and unexplained quantities, likely the earth is a slave colony, and our governments are run by representatives of these annunakim and with the fraudulent sale of paper gold bonds, the price of real gold is vastly decreased by artificial means. Less than one percent of gold sold is real, backed up by a physical counterpart, with most people never suspecting , or ever bothering to hold gold solids, and this ploy is used by the fraudsters who wish to buy up actual gold at very cheap prices.

And the very sudden appearance of the atomic bomb, patented by Jewish scientist Leo Szilard in 1934 an incredible mere 12 months or so after his first having had the basic idea on how to construct an atomic bomb in 1933, makes me wonder very much whether or not the Jews already had the atomic weapons hidden away for millennia, to be brought forth at suitable time to guarantee world power via the supreme physical terrorist threat (the Israeli Samson Option, likely including the dirty cobalt nuclear bomb 'invented' by Leo Szilard in 1950, which he stated would kill all forms of life on earth with the deployment of Just 400 of them, makes this all the more likely). I really don't think he could have 'invented' an atom bomb in just 12 months or so.

Hitlers 1933 deal with the Zionists - Haavara Transfer Agreement w Edwin...