Tuesday, 29 May 2018
New Israeli Defense Forces Chief Rabbi Says Soldiers Can Rape Gentile Women During Wartime to Boost Morale
New Israeli Defense Forces Chief Rabbi Says Soldiers Can Rape Gentile Women During Wartime to Boost Morale: Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim’s appointment is being met with backlash — as he is outspoken for allowing soldiers to rape women during wartime.
The Legendary General von Manstein: He Prevented The Enslavement Of All Europe By Soviet Communism, Annoyed Hitler & Defended Germany Honorably
The Legendary General von Manstein: He Prevented The Enslavement Of All Europe By Soviet Communism, Annoyed Hitler & Defended Germany Honorably: This article will document Manstein’s heroic efforts to save Europe from Soviet Communism during World War II, and his efforts to defend the German military after the war.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Why Tommy Robinson Is an Idiot In the Wrong
Why Tommy Robinson Is an Idiot In the Wrong: The outpouring of indignance of the vertically challenged, Zionist-lobby-funded Lutonian is in ignorance at what the ramifications are for the little girls who were the victims of the Muslim rape trial.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Untold Tales: The Hidden Holocaust - The Deportations of the Germans
Untold Tales: The Hidden Holocaust - The Deportations of the Germans: Sencha MacRae tells the untold tale of the mass deportation of the Germans from all over Europe after WWII. Millions died, but most people know nothing of it.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
The Story of Eli Cohen, the Israeli Superspy Who Almost Became Syria's President
Friday, 25 May 2018
FLUORIDE EXPOSURE IN UTERO LINKED TO LOWER IQ IN KIDS, NEW STUDY SAYS – The Water Filter Lady's Blog: In a new study published on September 19, 2017, in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers have found a link between fluoride in the urine of pregnant women and lower measures of intelligence in children. The Study: Bashash M, Thomas D, Hu H, et al. 2017. Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of…
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Jews More Prone to Schizophrenia Than Non-Jews
Jews More Prone to Schizophrenia Than Non-Jews: Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well as schizo-affective disorder and manic depression.
Hypoadrenalism, Stress And Microwaves
Hypoadrenalism, Stress And Microwaves: Hypoadrenalism is a most debilitating disorder affecting the adrenal glands that leaves one with very little energy no matter how or what one tries to increase one’s energy.
Monday, 21 May 2018
Conspiracy Theory? US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans
Conspiracy Theory? US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans: History serves as a reminder that the U.S. is responsible for carrying out a number of chemical attacks on thousands of unsuspecting Americans
How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public
How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public: People speak of it as if it is infallible, and anyone who questions the high priests of science are generally attacked, degraded, and dismissed as modern day heretics.
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Kalergi's Jewish Plan for European Genocide
Kalergi's Jewish Plan for European Genocide: The policies of the Kalergi plan was and still is, the basis of official government policies aimed at genocide of the Peoples of Europe, through mass immigration.
Millions Tune Into The Royal Family Wedding, When We Should Be Investigating Royal Family Pedophilia
Millions Tune Into The Royal Family Wedding, When We Should Be Investigating Royal Family Pedophilia: So many of us turn a blind eye but the fact remains, silence does absolutely nothing, and it’s time we ask ourselves, who are we really accepting and electing as our ‘leaders’?
Jewish Supremacist Boasts on Israeli TV - AIPAC Rules America
Jewish Supremacist Boasts on Israeli TV - AIPAC Rules America: When they are speaking frankly in Israel, jewish supremacists have a habit of actually telling the truth. No matter who wins our elections, Israel never loses
Saturday, 19 May 2018
The Uncanny Valley: Forging Evidence In the New World Order
The Uncanny Valley: Forging Evidence In the New World Order: We are now living in a world where we cannot trust any video evidence as being factual. Our enemies have the power to easily "fake" any living person.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Japan, Social Engineering & The Blatant Depopulation Agenda
Japan, Social Engineering & The Blatant Depopulation Agenda: The destruction of Japan and extinction of its population is the desired consequence, or by product, of the fact that Japan serves as the laboratory for the ruling social engineers.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
If Any Other Country Was Shooting Civilians Like Israel, The US Would’ve Invaded By Now
If Any Other Country Was Shooting Civilians Like Israel, The US Would’ve Invaded By Now: If another country shot and killed dozens of protesters in the way that Israel just did, the U.S. would be promising "freedom and democracy," and planning to invade.
If Any Other Country Was Shooting Civilians Like Israel, The US Would’ve Invaded By Now
If Any Other Country Was Shooting Civilians Like Israel, The US Would’ve Invaded By Now: If another country shot and killed dozens of protesters in the way that Israel just did, the U.S. would be promising "freedom and democracy," and planning to invade.
‘Death to All Jews!’ — Jewish Agents with Links to Mossad Stir Up Fake Anti-Semitism
‘Death to All Jews!’ — Jewish Agents with Links to Mossad Stir Up Fake Anti-Semitism: An Israeli legal group with intimate ties to the state’s intelligence agencies has admitted to faking an ostensibly pro-Palestinian Facebook page and using it to post anti-Semitic statements including “Death to all the Jews.”
Hitler, the Workless and the Needy
Hitler, the Workless and the Needy: In the autumn of his first year as Chancellor Adolf Hitler issued what was at once an order and an announcement, “This winter no one must starve or freeze in Germany.“
Monday, 14 May 2018
US Embassy In Jerusalem Opens Today! Jerusalem's Mayor Calls It the Beginning of a 'New World Order'
US Embassy In Jerusalem Opens Today! Jerusalem's Mayor Calls It the Beginning of a 'New World Order': Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat hailed the US embassy move as the beginning of a 6,000 year world domination plan by Torah followers to create 'a New World Order'.
The demonic UN is a Jewish organ that has not only been used to authorize the 'legitimacy' and recognition of Israel as a state, the UN is now dedicated to furthering the Jewish agenda by bringing the whole world under genocidal Noahide Laws, which are currently posed as 'benevolent'.
See here the true face of the demonic bastard Jews who wish the Noahide Laws made law in every nation in the world under NWO Judaic government, that will make every Gentile in the entire world a literal slave, or dead, and most Gentiles will be killed under the draconian edicts of the Noahide Laws on account of their religions regardless of whether or not they would be willing to be slaves. The Chabad Lubavitchers, controlling the UN, the US, Russia, the UK and other European governments and many others as they do, like those of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, are the most powerful and influential Jewish group in the entire world, and they are effectively challenged by no other Jewish group.
These Jewish psychotic megalomaniacs literally view all non-Jews as eternally inferior, as demons from hell, to be literally enslaved before all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately literally killed and sent to hell, as the Jewish terrorist literature the Zohar teaches.
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Some of the article is quoted below;
Who was Rabbi Schneerson?
Schneerson lived from 1902 to 1994 and oversaw the growth of what is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. The religious movement he led is known as “Chabad-Lubavitch,” (sometimes just called “Lubavitch” or “Chabad,” the name of its organizational arm). Schneerson was the seventh and final Lubavitcher “Rebbe” (sacred leader). He is often simply called “the Rebbe.”
Founded in the late 1700s and originally based in the Polish-Russian town of Lubavitch, it is the largest of about a dozen forms of “Hasidism,” a version of Orthodox Judaism connected to mysticism, characterized by devotion to a dynastic leader, and whose adherents often wear distinctive clothing. (Spellings of these terms can vary; Hasid is also written as Hassid, Chasid, etc.)
There is an extreme cult of personality focused on Schneerson himself. Some followers consider him the Messiah, and Schneerson himself reportedly sometimes implied this was true. Some Lubavitch educators consider him divine, making such claims as, “the Rebbe is actually ‘the essence and being [of God] … he is without limits, capable of effecting anything, all-knowing and a proper object of worshipful prostration.”
While many secular Jews and Jews from other denominations disagree with its actions and theology, Chabad-Lubavitch is generally acknowledged to be a powerful force in Jewish life today. According to a 1994 New York Times report, it is “one of the most influential and controversial forces in world Jewry.”
Non-Jewish souls ‘satanic’
While Chabad sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew,” Schneerson’s specific teachings on this subject are largely unknown.
Quite likely very few Americans, both Jews and non-Jews, are aware of Schneerson’s teachings about the alleged deep differences between them – and about how these teachings are applied in the West Bank and Gaza.
Let us look at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (text available online here. This book, praised by Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, and many others is essential reading for anyone who truly wishes to understand modern day Israel-Palestine. (Brackets in the quotes below are in the translations by Shahak and Mezvinsky.)
Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created
as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or
hidden entirely.
It is to these Gentile-hating Jews that the UN bows its head, especially the heads of state in Russia, America, the UK, etc. etc.
But how can the Noahide Laws be benevolent when the Jews insist that Gentiles were only created to serve them (or be killed for non-compliance), and that all other races and peoples in the world are to become subject to them, when these Jews and their Torah believe is the total destruction of all non-Jewish religions, and especially, the physical execution of all those who practice what the Jews determine to be 'idolatrous' religions?
United World in United Nations
By Yosef Geller
“It is critical that the representatives of the United Nations affirm and commit publicly to the basic premise, that people respect the very core fabric of life given by the Creator, which the Seven Universal Laws of Noah represent,” said Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Cohen, founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code and the key note speaker at Monday’s event.
"The United Nations took dramatic steps towards world peace when ambassadors, NGOS, Rabbis and chaplains met to discuss the Seven Laws of Noah at a United Nations conference room on Monday, July 2."
How has it come to this, when people in many nations blindly maintain armed forces, only for the Jew to infiltrate posing as a Christian or whatever and then hijack those military forces, and make it so that many nations are effectively taken by the Jew without a fight, without the slightest show of military force by the legitimate armed forces of those nations? This is a military takeover by the Jews, intent on physical annihilation of not just millions, but BILLIONS of Gentiles, with the planned physical enslavement of all survivors, an extremely audacious plan. BUT THE JEWS ARE MOVING FORWARD WITH THESE PLANS AND THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT SO FAR.
The laws against 'anti-Semitism' are rapidly becoming like those Stalin brought in in Russia, where anyone criticizing the Jews would be physically executed. It was Stalin (despite all the misleading tales by Jews about Stalin 'persecuting' them) who created the still-existing semi-autonomous oblast within Russia for the Jews, the size of Switzerland, wherein they could be totally free to manage their own affairs and practice their culture unhindered exactly as they wished. What other nations have done that for a 'religious' minority? It does not matter that Stalin may have killed a few rival Jews here and there, other powerful Jews have done that and not been designated as 'anti-Semitic'.
United Nations signs "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah"
""On this day, people from all over the world gathered on behalf of the Laws of Noah," said Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen, head of the Institute of Noahide Code, which sponsored the conference. "Their observance is required, so that the vision of the United Nations—to have a settled and civilized world, filled with economic justice and righteousness—will prevail."
"Titled "One People, One World," the conference brought together journalists, diplomats, and delegates from countries across the globe – including Egypt and Israel. Guests of honor from the UN Diplomatic Corps also signed a "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah," which emphasized the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws in maintaining peace, justice, and harmony among peoples and nations."
What the Jew means by a civilized world is a world where Jews dominate, where all non-Jews, who are regarded as literally non-human, as subhumans, will be enslaved or literally killed, no two ways about it, and the 'civilization' will only be for those calling themselves the only real 'humans', the Jews themselves. The remainder of the Gentiles left alive at that time after the purging of all 'idolatrous' religious Gentiles will not have a happy existence as slaves under those vindictively hateful, sadistic murderous scum.
How can the peoples of the world not wake up to what is coming and stop it, the Jewish agents in political office have got them all whipped into a state of cowardice where they dare not think that anything like this might even become a possibility. People must wake up or they or their children will all be killed or enslaved.
The demonic UN is a Jewish organ that has not only been used to authorize the 'legitimacy' and recognition of Israel as a state, the UN is now dedicated to furthering the Jewish agenda by bringing the whole world under genocidal Noahide Laws, which are currently posed as 'benevolent'.
See here the true face of the demonic bastard Jews who wish the Noahide Laws made law in every nation in the world under NWO Judaic government, that will make every Gentile in the entire world a literal slave, or dead, and most Gentiles will be killed under the draconian edicts of the Noahide Laws on account of their religions regardless of whether or not they would be willing to be slaves. The Chabad Lubavitchers, controlling the UN, the US, Russia, the UK and other European governments and many others as they do, like those of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, are the most powerful and influential Jewish group in the entire world, and they are effectively challenged by no other Jewish group.
These Jewish psychotic megalomaniacs literally view all non-Jews as eternally inferior, as demons from hell, to be literally enslaved before all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately literally killed and sent to hell, as the Jewish terrorist literature the Zohar teaches.
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Some of the article is quoted below;
Who was Rabbi Schneerson?
Schneerson lived from 1902 to 1994 and oversaw the growth of what is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. The religious movement he led is known as “Chabad-Lubavitch,” (sometimes just called “Lubavitch” or “Chabad,” the name of its organizational arm). Schneerson was the seventh and final Lubavitcher “Rebbe” (sacred leader). He is often simply called “the Rebbe.”
Founded in the late 1700s and originally based in the Polish-Russian town of Lubavitch, it is the largest of about a dozen forms of “Hasidism,” a version of Orthodox Judaism connected to mysticism, characterized by devotion to a dynastic leader, and whose adherents often wear distinctive clothing. (Spellings of these terms can vary; Hasid is also written as Hassid, Chasid, etc.)
There is an extreme cult of personality focused on Schneerson himself. Some followers consider him the Messiah, and Schneerson himself reportedly sometimes implied this was true. Some Lubavitch educators consider him divine, making such claims as, “the Rebbe is actually ‘the essence and being [of God] … he is without limits, capable of effecting anything, all-knowing and a proper object of worshipful prostration.”
While many secular Jews and Jews from other denominations disagree with its actions and theology, Chabad-Lubavitch is generally acknowledged to be a powerful force in Jewish life today. According to a 1994 New York Times report, it is “one of the most influential and controversial forces in world Jewry.”
Non-Jewish souls ‘satanic’
While Chabad sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew,” Schneerson’s specific teachings on this subject are largely unknown.
Quite likely very few Americans, both Jews and non-Jews, are aware of Schneerson’s teachings about the alleged deep differences between them – and about how these teachings are applied in the West Bank and Gaza.
Let us look at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (text available online here. This book, praised by Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, and many others is essential reading for anyone who truly wishes to understand modern day Israel-Palestine. (Brackets in the quotes below are in the translations by Shahak and Mezvinsky.)
Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created
as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or
hidden entirely.
It is to these Gentile-hating Jews that the UN bows its head, especially the heads of state in Russia, America, the UK, etc. etc.
But how can the Noahide Laws be benevolent when the Jews insist that Gentiles were only created to serve them (or be killed for non-compliance), and that all other races and peoples in the world are to become subject to them, when these Jews and their Torah believe is the total destruction of all non-Jewish religions, and especially, the physical execution of all those who practice what the Jews determine to be 'idolatrous' religions?
United World in United Nations
By Yosef Geller
“It is critical that the representatives of the United Nations affirm and commit publicly to the basic premise, that people respect the very core fabric of life given by the Creator, which the Seven Universal Laws of Noah represent,” said Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Cohen, founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code and the key note speaker at Monday’s event.
"The United Nations took dramatic steps towards world peace when ambassadors, NGOS, Rabbis and chaplains met to discuss the Seven Laws of Noah at a United Nations conference room on Monday, July 2."
How has it come to this, when people in many nations blindly maintain armed forces, only for the Jew to infiltrate posing as a Christian or whatever and then hijack those military forces, and make it so that many nations are effectively taken by the Jew without a fight, without the slightest show of military force by the legitimate armed forces of those nations? This is a military takeover by the Jews, intent on physical annihilation of not just millions, but BILLIONS of Gentiles, with the planned physical enslavement of all survivors, an extremely audacious plan. BUT THE JEWS ARE MOVING FORWARD WITH THESE PLANS AND THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT SO FAR.
The laws against 'anti-Semitism' are rapidly becoming like those Stalin brought in in Russia, where anyone criticizing the Jews would be physically executed. It was Stalin (despite all the misleading tales by Jews about Stalin 'persecuting' them) who created the still-existing semi-autonomous oblast within Russia for the Jews, the size of Switzerland, wherein they could be totally free to manage their own affairs and practice their culture unhindered exactly as they wished. What other nations have done that for a 'religious' minority? It does not matter that Stalin may have killed a few rival Jews here and there, other powerful Jews have done that and not been designated as 'anti-Semitic'.
United Nations signs "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah"
""On this day, people from all over the world gathered on behalf of the Laws of Noah," said Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen, head of the Institute of Noahide Code, which sponsored the conference. "Their observance is required, so that the vision of the United Nations—to have a settled and civilized world, filled with economic justice and righteousness—will prevail."
"Titled "One People, One World," the conference brought together journalists, diplomats, and delegates from countries across the globe – including Egypt and Israel. Guests of honor from the UN Diplomatic Corps also signed a "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah," which emphasized the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws in maintaining peace, justice, and harmony among peoples and nations."
What the Jew means by a civilized world is a world where Jews dominate, where all non-Jews, who are regarded as literally non-human, as subhumans, will be enslaved or literally killed, no two ways about it, and the 'civilization' will only be for those calling themselves the only real 'humans', the Jews themselves. The remainder of the Gentiles left alive at that time after the purging of all 'idolatrous' religious Gentiles will not have a happy existence as slaves under those vindictively hateful, sadistic murderous scum.
How can the peoples of the world not wake up to what is coming and stop it, the Jewish agents in political office have got them all whipped into a state of cowardice where they dare not think that anything like this might even become a possibility. People must wake up or they or their children will all be killed or enslaved.
US Embassy In Jerusalem Opens Today! Jerusalem's Mayor Calls It the Beginning of a 'New World Order'
US Embassy In Jerusalem Opens Today! Jerusalem's Mayor Calls It the Beginning of a 'New World Order': Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat hailed the US embassy move as the beginning of a 6,000 year world domination plan by Torah followers to create 'a New World Order'.
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Over 250 Children Shot With Live Bullets in Gaza Protests Since March
And with dum-dum exploding bullets too that leave 6 inch holes in the Palestinian children's legs so they have to be amputated. How can western politicians support psychotics that do that kind of thing, they are as bad as the Israeli terrorist soldiers committing such terrorist atrocities, and you can see what type of 'democracies' they are running themselves, (murderous Stalinist dictatorships), especially when we consider how the UK, USA, and Israel are all actually arming, training and leading ISIS et al.
And with dum-dum exploding bullets too that leave 6 inch holes in the Palestinian children's legs so they have to be amputated. How can western politicians support psychotics that do that kind of thing, they are as bad as the Israeli terrorist soldiers committing such terrorist atrocities, and you can see what type of 'democracies' they are running themselves, (murderous Stalinist dictatorships), especially when we consider how the UK, USA, and Israel are all actually arming, training and leading ISIS et al.
Over 250 Children Shot With Live Bullets in Gaza Protests Since March
Some Paediatricians Are Being Advised To Call Breastfeeding Dangerous & Unnatural
Some Paediatricians Are Being Advised To Call Breastfeeding Dangerous & Unnatural: It seems they are worried that by calling breastfeeding natural and healthier for the infant, parents might assume that whatever is natural is healthier in all cases.
Saturday, 12 May 2018
Israeli Weapons Among Arms Handed Over to Syrian Army By Terrorists in Damascus © Photo: Youtube / syrian ministry of defense MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE
Friday, 11 May 2018
From Sweden To South Africa, Internationally The Nuremberg Trials Were Condemned
From Sweden To South Africa, Internationally The Nuremberg Trials Were Condemned: The victorious Allies, who admittedly indulged in the same practice (unrestricted submarine warfare), had no legal, logical, or ethical justification for prosecuting or condemning Admiral Doenitz.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Netanyahu & Putin Attend Parade Celebrating "Nazi" Defeat & Red Army Memorial
Netanyahu & Putin Attend Parade Celebrating "Nazi" Defeat & Red Army Memorial: Putin worshipers will say that Putin inviting Netanyahu as a special guest is just him playing "3D Chess"... we say, wake up!! Putin is not your savior!
Netanyahu & Putin Attend Parade Celebrating "Nazi" Defeat & Red Army Memorial
Netanyahu & Putin Attend Parade Celebrating "Nazi" Defeat & Red Army Memorial: Putin worshipers will say that Putin inviting Netanyahu as a special guest is just him playing "3D Chess"... we say, wake up!! Putin is not your savior!
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Holocaust Heretic Ursula Haverbeck Hunted Down After Not Reporting for Two Year Imprisonment
Holocaust Heretic Ursula Haverbeck Hunted Down After Not Reporting for Two Year Imprisonment: On May 7th the house of "Holocaust denier" Ursula Haverbeck was stormed by heavily armed members of the German police force.
Critique of Cultural Marxism
Critique of Cultural Marxism: If we continue down this path, it will only lead to the death of the white race, which is the intent of the Jews with their Cultural Marxism.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Geopathic Stress
Geopathic Stress: This ground-breaking documentary is a wake-up call for the modern medical and scientific establishments and also for anyone who has an interest in their own health.
The Dangers of WiFi and Cell Phones
The Dangers of WiFi and Cell Phones: People will agree that our health is the most important thing in life. Don't ignore info that can benefit you and your loved ones.
Barrie Trower: Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health
Barrie Trower: Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health: Mr. Barrie Trower is a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service.
The Biggest Murder Trial In History! Did The American-Run Einsatzgruppen Trial Use Forged Documents To Convict Germans Of Genocide?
The Biggest Murder Trial In History! Did The American-Run Einsatzgruppen Trial Use Forged Documents To Convict Germans Of Genocide?: The Einsatzgruppen trial was the ninth of 12 American-run trials held after the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany.
Saturday, 5 May 2018
Syrian Army Uncovers Cargo of Israeli-Made Arms Smuggled to Terrorists - Reports
Ex-US Pres. Candidate: It's Israel That Secretly Developed Nukes, Not Iran
New Study Reveals Many Cancer Patients Are Killed By Chemotherapy; Not The Cancer
New Study Reveals Many Cancer Patients Are Killed By Chemotherapy; Not The Cancer: Up until recently, chemotherapy and radiation have been the only two approved treatment methods for treating cancer by mainstream medicine.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Book Review: Summer, 1945—Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate
Book Review: Summer, 1945—Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate: While some of the events described in Summer, 1945 will be familiar to readers of Hellstorm, many will not. Clearly, the author did a vast amount of new research.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Folk and the Jewish Question
Folk and the Jewish Question: An important characteristic is the common political will. The awareness of belonging together, national consciousness, is of decisive importance for a people.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Steven Spielberg Calls for Mandatory Holocaust Indoctrination in US Schools
Steven Spielberg Calls for Mandatory Holocaust Indoctrination in US Schools: Hollywood film director Steven Spielberg said that every public high school in the United States should be required to teach the Holocaust.
A “Fact Of Common Knowledge” Did Not Require Proof To Execute Germans; Propaganda & Torture Provided The Legal ‘Evidence’
A “Fact Of Common Knowledge” Did Not Require Proof To Execute Germans; Propaganda & Torture Provided The Legal ‘Evidence’: The testimonies produced under Nuremberg “law” contained anything but historical truth. This is the conclusion which has been reached by all objective and unbiased observers.
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