Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Friday, 26 May 2017
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Monday, 22 May 2017
Let's Get This Right: Jews Aren't White!
Jews are a race of SOULS, and can occupy any physical body they want. The Torah says that Jews ALONE come from God, that makes them a unique race in their own 'twisted' view.
If you check out the excellent article by David Duke (though I know he is still a Christian, very sadly), ALL Jews are real Jews, there were no 'converts' to Judaism that became the Khazar Ashkenazim, they were ALL diaspora Jews in the first place.
If you research properly into the Torah, and forget the widespread garbage about fake Jews, and 'convert' Jews you will come across the real truth, the Jews NEVER EVER allow a single Gentile soul to convert to Judaism. ALL 'converts' are Jewish souls in the beginning, who have merely occupied Gentile positions as crypto-Jews for various reasons such as this:
https://cintayati.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/1492-letter-from-grand-sanhedrin/et's Get This Right: Jews Aren't White!
If you check out the excellent article by David Duke (though I know he is still a Christian, very sadly), ALL Jews are real Jews, there were no 'converts' to Judaism that became the Khazar Ashkenazim, they were ALL diaspora Jews in the first place.
If you research properly into the Torah, and forget the widespread garbage about fake Jews, and 'convert' Jews you will come across the real truth, the Jews NEVER EVER allow a single Gentile soul to convert to Judaism. ALL 'converts' are Jewish souls in the beginning, who have merely occupied Gentile positions as crypto-Jews for various reasons such as this:
https://cintayati.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/1492-letter-from-grand-sanhedrin/et's Get This Right: Jews Aren't White!
Sarkozy: Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding (FRANCAIS, ...
The erstwhile French President Jewish Sarkozy, in conformity with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, says whites MUST interbreed with blacks, a different species, based on what science?
Lions and Tigers are two different species, yet they can interbreed under unnatural and forced circumstances and produce fertile offspring, so-called 'Ligers', so can black Negros and white Caucasians produce fertile offspring under unnatural and forced circumstances, such as the circumstances Sarkozy has proposed, BUT THEY ALSO ARE NOT FROM THE SAME SPECIES, Negro blacks have a simian ledge in their skull, found only in apes, not present in Caucasians, or any other human race.
The Jews would have goats and sheep become one species under the same misunderstanding, but will NEVER ask the Jewish people to interbred with the back Negro race themselves.
The Jews really have no misunderstanding, they know exactly what they are doing, and wish only to breed the white Caucasian race, their declared main 'enemy', into extinction to further their own Jewish racist aims towards global domination by the Jewish Tribe alone.
Once the white species is gone, it is gone, it can easily be swallowed up in an absolute Tsunami of black genome of vast numerical superiority, without any loss at all to the black genome, if the white people fall victim to malicious Jewish propaganda and allow themselves to be deleted.
White people must understand and totally reject the Jew Sarkozy's malicious anti-white race hate agenda and not allow themselves into being hoodwinked into allowing their white sons and daughters into being interbred with a different species of lower quality, with the average IQ of Somalians being 67, and the average IQ of all other Africans being only 85, which is truly pitiful.
If we allow this racial interbreeding program, our kids will be mentally handicapped, just what the Jews leading this malicious racial integration program want.
Look at America, the most interbred and integrated society in the world, with a higher percentage of people in prison than any other country in the world, they are totally dysfunctional, and at war all the time, so what good has racial 'integration' done them? It has made them cretins able to be manipulated into being genocidal mass-murderers for Israel, zombie slaves, killers, no more than this.
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Wake Up, White Men and Women!
That was a great speech, yet now of course, it is illegal in Britain since the time of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists to wear any uniform in any political movement, and the National Action members did appear to be wearing what could be described by the filth as a uniform.
However, I hope they can get round that ban and that absolutely ridiculous misclassification of being terrorists, because terrorists they most certainly are not, whilst the government that maliciously and falsely classifies them as being terrorists is itself the most vile mass murdering genocidal and otherwise corrupt body that there is, along with Israel, both of them being behind their attack dog the USA and NATO, Israel, the UK and the USA being the same in Jewish political substance at the top, who should all be in prison for many crimes, terrorism, fraud, genocide, treachery, and being traitorous.
If even one politician today says so much as that 60,000 Jews were deported from Germany to Palestine in WWII, they are banned for life from politics in the UK, and the tired old Livingstone purposely allowed himself to be sacrificed in public at the end of his career as his last political act, purely to make this point for his Jew masters, that from now on, not one single word may be uttered that the Jews call racist against them, otherwise one will certainly be banned for life from politics, so the people need to have a new government structure outside the mainstream Jewish Stalinist totalitarian dictatorship now, entirely, not based in the Jew-Infested Houses of Parliament, a new government drawn exclusively from the ranks of their own people, and not any longer from the multi-generational Jewish banking families and so on.
Wake Up, White Men and Women!
However, I hope they can get round that ban and that absolutely ridiculous misclassification of being terrorists, because terrorists they most certainly are not, whilst the government that maliciously and falsely classifies them as being terrorists is itself the most vile mass murdering genocidal and otherwise corrupt body that there is, along with Israel, both of them being behind their attack dog the USA and NATO, Israel, the UK and the USA being the same in Jewish political substance at the top, who should all be in prison for many crimes, terrorism, fraud, genocide, treachery, and being traitorous.
If even one politician today says so much as that 60,000 Jews were deported from Germany to Palestine in WWII, they are banned for life from politics in the UK, and the tired old Livingstone purposely allowed himself to be sacrificed in public at the end of his career as his last political act, purely to make this point for his Jew masters, that from now on, not one single word may be uttered that the Jews call racist against them, otherwise one will certainly be banned for life from politics, so the people need to have a new government structure outside the mainstream Jewish Stalinist totalitarian dictatorship now, entirely, not based in the Jew-Infested Houses of Parliament, a new government drawn exclusively from the ranks of their own people, and not any longer from the multi-generational Jewish banking families and so on.
Wake Up, White Men and Women!
David Icke - SHOCKING NASA - APRIL 26, 2017 (MUST WATCH)
Brilliant talk, except at 43:24, we are subjected quite needlessly to a picture of German soldiers goosestepping as mind -controlled zombies, which is complete rubbish, Hitler was a straight guy, and opposed everything that has been termed in the video speech as being Archonic, and I feel that this should be openly admitted.
Hitler banned usury, he banned fractional reserve banking, he made all farms in Germany organic, he banned vivisection, he banned intensive farming, he banned the production of pate foie gras which is produced by painfully force-feeding a goose to expand it's liver, he encouraged, but did not enforce vegetarianism, but he did bring in animal welfare laws that far exceed anything in effect today in all of Europe and in most of the rest of the world, he banned veal crates, he encouraged people to stop smoking, and Germany was the first country to connect smoking cigarettes with lung cancer.
Hitler was the one man who OPPOSED the organized psychopathic Jewish bankers behind Capitalism and Communism and the whole war machine, and when one does proper research on Hitler, we find that he was horribly sucked-punched into having to fight, without having any intention of going to war against most of the rest of the world, a situation that was artificially created for him, as stated by the Polish General who led the Polish armed forces, who declared that Hitler would be forced into going to war, a war that he did not want, and the same was said by Churchill.
"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." (Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)
Hitler repeatedly offered extremely generous terms of settlement with Poland, and all his offers were senselessly and malevolently refused, as the Poles were desperate for war, and after WWII, Poland was given over to Stalin in any case, even after Russia had also invaded Poland. So what hypocrisy of any historian today to say that the war against Germany was to preserve the freedom of Poland, even after Stalin had slaughtered the 20,000 Polish officers and intellectuals in the Katyn Forest Massacre. Read the tomatobubble.com site for much more on that.
58,000 Germans who were then living in Poland after part of Germany was given to Poland after WWI were brutally massacred Bolshevik Red Revolution style by demonic Jewish-led mobs, and that is what Hitler was obliged to go into Poland to stop, when the government of Poland repeatedly refused to stop the senseless killings of innocent civilians.
Stalin had already betrayed several other countries after first having made treaties with them, and Stalin fully intended to invade all of Europe and then America, a plan he carried on from his predecessors, and he had to smash Germany in order to take all of Europe, Germany being the only country big enough then to stop Russia (a process which had already begun with WWI and the breakup of Germany into smaller pieces) and ONLY Germany under Hitler tried to stop this, so why the hell should anyone carry on knocking Adolf Hitler. Hitler stated that if he was made to take Germany to war, that all his plans for social improvement would be prevented, and that it would not matter who won any war, as all those plans would never then be able to be implemented.
This happened because Hitler led the way in creating an ideal example of a National Socialist state that was superbly successful, which the Jews feared would present a model for many other states to copy, and Hitler was a NATIONALIST, not a one world government guy, and he wished for a FEDERATION of INDEPENDENT countries who had also liberated themselves from the parasitism of the Jewish banking machine.
I think that there is indeed a very dark collective of souls that have become so far removed from God that they have entirely forgotten the true spiritual science of God Consciousness, Vaishnavism and Achintya Bhedabheda Tattva, which is the science of knowing that God is the central Soul, the Supersoul, at the heart of a cosmic body of individual souls, with each individual soul knowing that their relationship with the Godhead Soul alone enables their full true vivification, both in terms of spiritual self-cognitive ability, and the ability to know the entire cosmos within and through that Godhead Soul, His senses augmenting their own in dovetailed form, so as to maintain all of them in cosmic consciousness, or sarshti.
When souls sometimes explore a little too far for their own good, and end up forgetting God, then becoming fascinated primarily with souls who are not themselves cosmic in spatial magnitude, then their cosmic consciousness is lost, and so they fall down more and more as their wisdom is lost, with that wisdom for the greater part being in the form of the association of the Godhead Soul, and that is what everyone needs; this is a different philosophy to the unrealistic advaitist philosophy of Buddha and so on, which artificially seeks to propose that we are all ultimately one soul, that philosophy being quite unrealistic, as how could the all-knowing God forget Himself? God, being the substance of infinity, is the very substance that all other souls intercommunicate through, and He exists within each soul, like a string running through a string of pearls. The Godhead Soul is known as Krishna, and many many other names, though He, the Lord God is actually nameless, Krishna and the other 'names' merely being descriptive terms embodying some of His qualities and potencies.
I think that no one hijacked the Jews, that no one pretended to be the Jews, and did all this. I think that the dark soul collective decided to construct a vehicle for themselves to move unchecked amongst mankind, to appear as the rest of mankind, as if they too had a 'religion' that would grant them unlimited acceptance and rights in common with those afforded to followers of other religions, as people of 'God', no matter how nutty they might seem.
When the dark soul collective formed the Judaic religion, and veiled their parasitic war machine, they did so already possessing massive 4th dimensional know-how, a vast science of black magic, like kapparot transfer of karma by ritual blood magic, with Jews also having a Cyclon-like ability to always reincarnate amongst the Jews alone, except when an occasional incarnation amongst the other races would further their agenda, as happens a lot, especially with the Marrano Christians, the Wahhabi Saudi Muslims and the Donmeh Muslims in Turkey, who are all crypto-Jews, along with huge numbers of 'Roman Catholic', Protestant Church of England 'Christians' and members of other churches and religions who are in fact also crypto-Jews.
The Jews hold that a Jew remains eternally a Jew, no matter what religion they may purport to be a member of for any length of time for whatever reason, and that no Gentile soul can ever convert to become a Jewish soul, and that where a 'Gentile' is seen to 'convert', that is a really a Jewish soul, recognized by the Tribe as such by occult means, such as astral projection and other highly practical psychic sciences which can show the rabbi all the past lives of any soul, and their blood lines are also confirmed, with DNA tests being mandatory for any Jew wishing to gain citizenship in Israel. So all the 'Christians and Muslims that 'convert' to become Jewish, they were Jewish all along.
Hitler banned usury, he banned fractional reserve banking, he made all farms in Germany organic, he banned vivisection, he banned intensive farming, he banned the production of pate foie gras which is produced by painfully force-feeding a goose to expand it's liver, he encouraged, but did not enforce vegetarianism, but he did bring in animal welfare laws that far exceed anything in effect today in all of Europe and in most of the rest of the world, he banned veal crates, he encouraged people to stop smoking, and Germany was the first country to connect smoking cigarettes with lung cancer.
Hitler was the one man who OPPOSED the organized psychopathic Jewish bankers behind Capitalism and Communism and the whole war machine, and when one does proper research on Hitler, we find that he was horribly sucked-punched into having to fight, without having any intention of going to war against most of the rest of the world, a situation that was artificially created for him, as stated by the Polish General who led the Polish armed forces, who declared that Hitler would be forced into going to war, a war that he did not want, and the same was said by Churchill.
"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." (Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)
Hitler repeatedly offered extremely generous terms of settlement with Poland, and all his offers were senselessly and malevolently refused, as the Poles were desperate for war, and after WWII, Poland was given over to Stalin in any case, even after Russia had also invaded Poland. So what hypocrisy of any historian today to say that the war against Germany was to preserve the freedom of Poland, even after Stalin had slaughtered the 20,000 Polish officers and intellectuals in the Katyn Forest Massacre. Read the tomatobubble.com site for much more on that.
58,000 Germans who were then living in Poland after part of Germany was given to Poland after WWI were brutally massacred Bolshevik Red Revolution style by demonic Jewish-led mobs, and that is what Hitler was obliged to go into Poland to stop, when the government of Poland repeatedly refused to stop the senseless killings of innocent civilians.
Stalin had already betrayed several other countries after first having made treaties with them, and Stalin fully intended to invade all of Europe and then America, a plan he carried on from his predecessors, and he had to smash Germany in order to take all of Europe, Germany being the only country big enough then to stop Russia (a process which had already begun with WWI and the breakup of Germany into smaller pieces) and ONLY Germany under Hitler tried to stop this, so why the hell should anyone carry on knocking Adolf Hitler. Hitler stated that if he was made to take Germany to war, that all his plans for social improvement would be prevented, and that it would not matter who won any war, as all those plans would never then be able to be implemented.
This happened because Hitler led the way in creating an ideal example of a National Socialist state that was superbly successful, which the Jews feared would present a model for many other states to copy, and Hitler was a NATIONALIST, not a one world government guy, and he wished for a FEDERATION of INDEPENDENT countries who had also liberated themselves from the parasitism of the Jewish banking machine.
I think that there is indeed a very dark collective of souls that have become so far removed from God that they have entirely forgotten the true spiritual science of God Consciousness, Vaishnavism and Achintya Bhedabheda Tattva, which is the science of knowing that God is the central Soul, the Supersoul, at the heart of a cosmic body of individual souls, with each individual soul knowing that their relationship with the Godhead Soul alone enables their full true vivification, both in terms of spiritual self-cognitive ability, and the ability to know the entire cosmos within and through that Godhead Soul, His senses augmenting their own in dovetailed form, so as to maintain all of them in cosmic consciousness, or sarshti.
When souls sometimes explore a little too far for their own good, and end up forgetting God, then becoming fascinated primarily with souls who are not themselves cosmic in spatial magnitude, then their cosmic consciousness is lost, and so they fall down more and more as their wisdom is lost, with that wisdom for the greater part being in the form of the association of the Godhead Soul, and that is what everyone needs; this is a different philosophy to the unrealistic advaitist philosophy of Buddha and so on, which artificially seeks to propose that we are all ultimately one soul, that philosophy being quite unrealistic, as how could the all-knowing God forget Himself? God, being the substance of infinity, is the very substance that all other souls intercommunicate through, and He exists within each soul, like a string running through a string of pearls. The Godhead Soul is known as Krishna, and many many other names, though He, the Lord God is actually nameless, Krishna and the other 'names' merely being descriptive terms embodying some of His qualities and potencies.
I think that no one hijacked the Jews, that no one pretended to be the Jews, and did all this. I think that the dark soul collective decided to construct a vehicle for themselves to move unchecked amongst mankind, to appear as the rest of mankind, as if they too had a 'religion' that would grant them unlimited acceptance and rights in common with those afforded to followers of other religions, as people of 'God', no matter how nutty they might seem.
When the dark soul collective formed the Judaic religion, and veiled their parasitic war machine, they did so already possessing massive 4th dimensional know-how, a vast science of black magic, like kapparot transfer of karma by ritual blood magic, with Jews also having a Cyclon-like ability to always reincarnate amongst the Jews alone, except when an occasional incarnation amongst the other races would further their agenda, as happens a lot, especially with the Marrano Christians, the Wahhabi Saudi Muslims and the Donmeh Muslims in Turkey, who are all crypto-Jews, along with huge numbers of 'Roman Catholic', Protestant Church of England 'Christians' and members of other churches and religions who are in fact also crypto-Jews.
The Jews hold that a Jew remains eternally a Jew, no matter what religion they may purport to be a member of for any length of time for whatever reason, and that no Gentile soul can ever convert to become a Jewish soul, and that where a 'Gentile' is seen to 'convert', that is a really a Jewish soul, recognized by the Tribe as such by occult means, such as astral projection and other highly practical psychic sciences which can show the rabbi all the past lives of any soul, and their blood lines are also confirmed, with DNA tests being mandatory for any Jew wishing to gain citizenship in Israel. So all the 'Christians and Muslims that 'convert' to become Jewish, they were Jewish all along.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
Sunday, 14 May 2017
I have spoken in confidence with two British police officers who told me that Prince Charles has had two serious sex offence charges against him hidden under 'D' Notices' to prevent their disclosure to the British or any other public.
Prince Charles is a known close associate of the late Jimmy Saville, the disgraced former DJ and 'charity worker' who also had a perverse fascination for 'working' with the criminally insane, who held positions at Broadmoor and Rampton prison mental hospitals for the criminally insane, who used to have sex with corpses in NHS hospital mortuaries whilst NHS nurses were told to turn their backs and ignore it as he was a 'VIP., and also raped and sexually attacked young children even after they had just had surgery.
Jimmy Saville was a close friend and associate of Peter Sutcliffe, the 'Yorkshire Ripper,' BEFORE his arrest, and Jimmy Saville remained a friend of Peter Sutcliffe's after his arrest and conviction, and several of the bodies of sexually assaulted and mutilated women who were victims of the Yorkshire Ripper WERE FOUND WITHIN SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS OF JIMMY SAVILLE'S HOUSE, AND HE WAS NAMED BY THE INVESTIGATING POLICE AS A SUSPECT AT ONE TIME, WHEN IN FACT, BOTH HE AND SUTCLIFFE WERE CO-CONSPIRATORS IN THESE VILE CRIMES, AND SO WAS PRINCE CHARLES AT SOME LEVEL, PRINCE CHARLES HIMSELF IS ALSO A HEAVY NONCE (A HEAVY SEX OFFENDER), AND THE POLICE ARE COVERING IT UP WITH A 'D NOTICE' TO PREVENT PUBLIC DISCLOSURE VIA ANY MEDIA OUTLET.
I know a lot more than this, and I know how the man who attacked Peter Sutcliffe after his arrest for the brutally sadistic murders of several women was given 20 YEARS IN RAMPTON TOP SECURITY PRISON MENTAL HOSPITAL FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE!!! That is what happens to anyone who messes with the sicko murdering rapist friend of Prince Charles.
I know via another source that another member of the royal family, Princess Anne, visited the convict who saved Peter Sutcliffe's life and specifically walked up to him, choosing him alone from amongst many other convicts, and shook his hand, this having been witnessed by several prison officers, and that that man, called Jamie Devitt, had been convicted for raping and killing two little girls, surely making him a very odd choice of man for the Royal Princess Anne, the sister of Prince Charles, to choose to go and shake hands with, surely as a royal thankyou for services rendered to the royals, for saving the life of the Yorkshire Ripper chum of Prince Charles.
If the Yorkshire Ripper himself was only a friend of Jimmy Saville and not also of Prince Charles himself, why on earth would Princess Anne have given any regard for that man in a royal visit to that man in Wakefield Prison, so draw your conclusions about serious sexual involvement in seriously dark satanic sexual rituals within the royal family.
Remember too that Princess Margaret was the royal princess involved in the real-life story behind the film, 'The Bank Job', with Jason Statham starring as the brave bank robber who stood up to the perverse and corrupt establishment.
You can visit Kensington Palace, and see the fur coat that Princess Margaret used to wear, the front of it absolutely covered with 'rock burns' from smoking drugs, these are not moth holes, being very characteristic, and there are none on the back of the coat, so Princess Margaret was obviously a heavy drugs user in her wild sex orgies, which became the subject of a blackmail plot featured in that film.
Aangirfan: ROYALS LINKED TO PEDO RING: According to UK government files: a 16-year-old boy was sexually abused at Buckingham Palace and at the Queen's home at Balmoral. ...
Prince Charles is a known close associate of the late Jimmy Saville, the disgraced former DJ and 'charity worker' who also had a perverse fascination for 'working' with the criminally insane, who held positions at Broadmoor and Rampton prison mental hospitals for the criminally insane, who used to have sex with corpses in NHS hospital mortuaries whilst NHS nurses were told to turn their backs and ignore it as he was a 'VIP., and also raped and sexually attacked young children even after they had just had surgery.
Jimmy Saville was a close friend and associate of Peter Sutcliffe, the 'Yorkshire Ripper,' BEFORE his arrest, and Jimmy Saville remained a friend of Peter Sutcliffe's after his arrest and conviction, and several of the bodies of sexually assaulted and mutilated women who were victims of the Yorkshire Ripper WERE FOUND WITHIN SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS OF JIMMY SAVILLE'S HOUSE, AND HE WAS NAMED BY THE INVESTIGATING POLICE AS A SUSPECT AT ONE TIME, WHEN IN FACT, BOTH HE AND SUTCLIFFE WERE CO-CONSPIRATORS IN THESE VILE CRIMES, AND SO WAS PRINCE CHARLES AT SOME LEVEL, PRINCE CHARLES HIMSELF IS ALSO A HEAVY NONCE (A HEAVY SEX OFFENDER), AND THE POLICE ARE COVERING IT UP WITH A 'D NOTICE' TO PREVENT PUBLIC DISCLOSURE VIA ANY MEDIA OUTLET.
I know a lot more than this, and I know how the man who attacked Peter Sutcliffe after his arrest for the brutally sadistic murders of several women was given 20 YEARS IN RAMPTON TOP SECURITY PRISON MENTAL HOSPITAL FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE!!! That is what happens to anyone who messes with the sicko murdering rapist friend of Prince Charles.
I know via another source that another member of the royal family, Princess Anne, visited the convict who saved Peter Sutcliffe's life and specifically walked up to him, choosing him alone from amongst many other convicts, and shook his hand, this having been witnessed by several prison officers, and that that man, called Jamie Devitt, had been convicted for raping and killing two little girls, surely making him a very odd choice of man for the Royal Princess Anne, the sister of Prince Charles, to choose to go and shake hands with, surely as a royal thankyou for services rendered to the royals, for saving the life of the Yorkshire Ripper chum of Prince Charles.
If the Yorkshire Ripper himself was only a friend of Jimmy Saville and not also of Prince Charles himself, why on earth would Princess Anne have given any regard for that man in a royal visit to that man in Wakefield Prison, so draw your conclusions about serious sexual involvement in seriously dark satanic sexual rituals within the royal family.
Remember too that Princess Margaret was the royal princess involved in the real-life story behind the film, 'The Bank Job', with Jason Statham starring as the brave bank robber who stood up to the perverse and corrupt establishment.
You can visit Kensington Palace, and see the fur coat that Princess Margaret used to wear, the front of it absolutely covered with 'rock burns' from smoking drugs, these are not moth holes, being very characteristic, and there are none on the back of the coat, so Princess Margaret was obviously a heavy drugs user in her wild sex orgies, which became the subject of a blackmail plot featured in that film.
Aangirfan: ROYALS LINKED TO PEDO RING: According to UK government files: a 16-year-old boy was sexually abused at Buckingham Palace and at the Queen's home at Balmoral. ...
Saturday, 13 May 2017
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Monday, 8 May 2017
Ethiopian Jew Exposes Zionist Israel

@ omar khan It is a Mossad lie that you are spreading here, whether you are doing with conscious intent or inadvertently I know not, but you wrongly label Europeans as the true culprits.
This hasbara lie and deception of 'fake Jews' is spread all over the internet very methodically, far and wide, so much so that even very genuine researchers and campaigners come to mistakenly believe in it.
The real truth is, that all Jews are real Jews, and that Arthur Koestler just made the whole story up about Khazars converting to Judaism to provide the opportunity for sayanim to spread this dirty lie about Gentiles pretending to be Jews and doing all the dirty work.
No Gentile soul can ever convert to become a Jewish soul, eternally, check it out, that is according to Torah. If anyone 'converts' the rabbi has to prove beforehand that the convert is an eternally Jewish soul who has been temporarily living under a different external label beforehand, after having been a Jew in all his or her previous incarnations, that is, a crypto-Jew. No one can become a convert to Judaism in truth.
None of the 4,000 Jews of all denominations in New York on 9/11 who stayed away from work that day according to the Israeli Jerusalem Post, which has all the names and addresses of those Jews as proof that they really existed, denounced any of the the other Jews among them as being fake or exposed the plot to attack New York. And no Jew in Israel ever attacks other Jews there as being 'fake'. That lie about Ashkenazim Jews being fake is a joke to the Israeli Jews and other Jews, and they deliberately spread that deception around to push all the blame for Jewish wrong-doing onto people they claim are really Gentiles, so you should spread the real truth from now on.
This hasbara lie and deception of 'fake Jews' is spread all over the internet very methodically, far and wide, so much so that even very genuine researchers and campaigners come to mistakenly believe in it.
The real truth is, that all Jews are real Jews, and that Arthur Koestler just made the whole story up about Khazars converting to Judaism to provide the opportunity for sayanim to spread this dirty lie about Gentiles pretending to be Jews and doing all the dirty work.
No Gentile soul can ever convert to become a Jewish soul, eternally, check it out, that is according to Torah. If anyone 'converts' the rabbi has to prove beforehand that the convert is an eternally Jewish soul who has been temporarily living under a different external label beforehand, after having been a Jew in all his or her previous incarnations, that is, a crypto-Jew. No one can become a convert to Judaism in truth.
None of the 4,000 Jews of all denominations in New York on 9/11 who stayed away from work that day according to the Israeli Jerusalem Post, which has all the names and addresses of those Jews as proof that they really existed, denounced any of the the other Jews among them as being fake or exposed the plot to attack New York. And no Jew in Israel ever attacks other Jews there as being 'fake'. That lie about Ashkenazim Jews being fake is a joke to the Israeli Jews and other Jews, and they deliberately spread that deception around to push all the blame for Jewish wrong-doing onto people they claim are really Gentiles, so you should spread the real truth from now on.
Saturday, 6 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
Thursday, 4 May 2017
The Jews: Seed of the Serpent!
So the Jews have got you believing that all the Jews doing all the bad stuff are just Gentiles who like to dress up in funny hats. You should study the Jewish religion, and when you do, you will find out that it is a literal impossibility for any Gentiles EVER under any circumstances at all, to convert to become Jewish.
The Jewish religion states unequivocally, that Jews are Jews eternally (normally reincarnating repeatedly only in Jewish families), and that Gentiles are Gentiles eternally, though it does say that sometimes, for various reasons, a Jew will incarnate outside families registered or recognized as Jewish, and that ONLY a previously Jewish soul can 'convert' BACK to being a Jew again.
The Jewish scriptures also state that just as no Gentile SOUL can convert to be a Jew, that a Jewish SOUL can never ever convert to become a Gentile SOUL. This is stated in the TORAH itself, so this is not a so-called 'fake' Jewish invention in the Talmud, this comes from the very same people that you currently think of as being amongst the groups of 'real' Jews.
A Convert's Soul
Dr Karl Skorecki has done the genetic study, and found the Ashkenazim to be what they surely had to be, diaspora Jews who simply stopped calling themselves Jews for a long time to fit in with the peoples amongst whom they travelled and settled.
I will make it easy for you by providing all the material you need to research this properly, and I have much more besides this information, so that you and all the others who have innocently been deceived by this Jewish deception invented by Arthur Koestler can come to the real understanding that all the Ashkenazim and Sephardim are really REAL JEWS all together. They never accuse each other of being fakes in Israel do they? It is a simple trick by the Jews on one level to make people outside Israel think that any Gentiles could become one of them or be like them, that we 'are all the same'. We are most definitely not the same, and the Jews themselves secretly hold on to that position very fiercely indeed.
The Cohanim - DNA Connection
The fascinating story of how DNA studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition. By Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman
Furthermore, it would be absolute anathema for the Jews to mix their soul substance with that of the goyim, as Gentile souls are held to be a waste product of the creation, literal excrement, a non-living, and irredeemably demonic and sinful substance, that, if mixed with the soul substance of the 'Godly' soul substance of the Jews, would pollute it forever.
And what if we really were all the same, what then would become of the Jewish drive for world domination and subjugation of all other peoples? That drive for the Jewish NWO one world government has never ceased, and that is because the Jews KNOW that they are all a unique race of SOULS, and they will not share equality with any other SOUL GROUP, but will instead choose to subJEWgate all non-Jewish souls forever, precisely because all Gentile souls are seen as eternal demons, eternal enemies of the Jews, who must be subjugated, enslaved, and ultimately exterminated from the entire world, exactly as is instructed in their Zohar and other criminal terrorist 'pseudo-scriptures'
The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew
An Inconvenient Truth and the Search for an Alternative
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist rabbi' by Alison Weir, CounterPunch
The Jewish religion states unequivocally, that Jews are Jews eternally (normally reincarnating repeatedly only in Jewish families), and that Gentiles are Gentiles eternally, though it does say that sometimes, for various reasons, a Jew will incarnate outside families registered or recognized as Jewish, and that ONLY a previously Jewish soul can 'convert' BACK to being a Jew again.
The Jewish scriptures also state that just as no Gentile SOUL can convert to be a Jew, that a Jewish SOUL can never ever convert to become a Gentile SOUL. This is stated in the TORAH itself, so this is not a so-called 'fake' Jewish invention in the Talmud, this comes from the very same people that you currently think of as being amongst the groups of 'real' Jews.
A Convert's Soul
Dr Karl Skorecki has done the genetic study, and found the Ashkenazim to be what they surely had to be, diaspora Jews who simply stopped calling themselves Jews for a long time to fit in with the peoples amongst whom they travelled and settled.
I will make it easy for you by providing all the material you need to research this properly, and I have much more besides this information, so that you and all the others who have innocently been deceived by this Jewish deception invented by Arthur Koestler can come to the real understanding that all the Ashkenazim and Sephardim are really REAL JEWS all together. They never accuse each other of being fakes in Israel do they? It is a simple trick by the Jews on one level to make people outside Israel think that any Gentiles could become one of them or be like them, that we 'are all the same'. We are most definitely not the same, and the Jews themselves secretly hold on to that position very fiercely indeed.
The Cohanim - DNA Connection
The fascinating story of how DNA studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition. By Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman
Furthermore, it would be absolute anathema for the Jews to mix their soul substance with that of the goyim, as Gentile souls are held to be a waste product of the creation, literal excrement, a non-living, and irredeemably demonic and sinful substance, that, if mixed with the soul substance of the 'Godly' soul substance of the Jews, would pollute it forever.
And what if we really were all the same, what then would become of the Jewish drive for world domination and subjugation of all other peoples? That drive for the Jewish NWO one world government has never ceased, and that is because the Jews KNOW that they are all a unique race of SOULS, and they will not share equality with any other SOUL GROUP, but will instead choose to subJEWgate all non-Jewish souls forever, precisely because all Gentile souls are seen as eternal demons, eternal enemies of the Jews, who must be subjugated, enslaved, and ultimately exterminated from the entire world, exactly as is instructed in their Zohar and other criminal terrorist 'pseudo-scriptures'
The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew
An Inconvenient Truth and the Search for an Alternative
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist rabbi' by Alison Weir, CounterPunch
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