I have spoken in confidence with two British police officers who told me that Prince Charles has had two serious sex offence charges against him hidden under 'D' Notices' to prevent their disclosure to the British or any other public.
Prince Charles is a known close associate of the late Jimmy Saville, the disgraced former DJ and 'charity worker' who also had a perverse fascination for 'working' with the criminally insane, who held positions at Broadmoor and Rampton prison mental hospitals for the criminally insane, who used to have sex with corpses in NHS hospital mortuaries whilst NHS nurses were told to turn their backs and ignore it as he was a 'VIP., and also raped and sexually attacked young children even after they had just had surgery.
Jimmy Saville was a close friend and associate of Peter Sutcliffe, the 'Yorkshire Ripper,' BEFORE his arrest, and Jimmy Saville remained a friend of Peter Sutcliffe's after his arrest and conviction, and several of the bodies of sexually assaulted and mutilated women who were victims of the Yorkshire Ripper WERE FOUND WITHIN SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS OF JIMMY SAVILLE'S HOUSE, AND HE WAS NAMED BY THE INVESTIGATING POLICE AS A SUSPECT AT ONE TIME, WHEN IN FACT, BOTH HE AND SUTCLIFFE WERE CO-CONSPIRATORS IN THESE VILE CRIMES, AND SO WAS PRINCE CHARLES AT SOME LEVEL, PRINCE CHARLES HIMSELF IS ALSO A HEAVY NONCE (A HEAVY SEX OFFENDER), AND THE POLICE ARE COVERING IT UP WITH A 'D NOTICE' TO PREVENT PUBLIC DISCLOSURE VIA ANY MEDIA OUTLET.
I know a lot more than this, and I know how the man who attacked Peter Sutcliffe after his arrest for the brutally sadistic murders of several women was given 20 YEARS IN RAMPTON TOP SECURITY PRISON MENTAL HOSPITAL FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE!!! That is what happens to anyone who messes with the sicko murdering rapist friend of Prince Charles.
I know via another source that another member of the royal family, Princess Anne, visited the convict who saved Peter Sutcliffe's life and specifically walked up to him, choosing him alone from amongst many other convicts, and shook his hand, this having been witnessed by several prison officers, and that that man, called Jamie Devitt, had been convicted for raping and killing two little girls, surely making him a very odd choice of man for the Royal Princess Anne, the sister of Prince Charles, to choose to go and shake hands with, surely as a royal thankyou for services rendered to the royals, for saving the life of the Yorkshire Ripper chum of Prince Charles.
If the Yorkshire Ripper himself was only a friend of Jimmy Saville and not also of Prince Charles himself, why on earth would Princess Anne have given any regard for that man in a royal visit to that man in Wakefield Prison, so draw your conclusions about serious sexual involvement in seriously dark satanic sexual rituals within the royal family.
Remember too that Princess Margaret was the royal princess involved in the real-life story behind the film, 'The Bank Job', with Jason Statham starring as the brave bank robber who stood up to the perverse and corrupt establishment.
You can visit Kensington Palace, and see the fur coat that Princess Margaret used to wear, the front of it absolutely covered with 'rock burns' from smoking drugs, these are not moth holes, being very characteristic, and there are none on the back of the coat, so Princess Margaret was obviously a heavy drugs user in her wild sex orgies, which became the subject of a blackmail plot featured in that film.
Aangirfan: ROYALS LINKED TO PEDO RING: According to UK government files: a 16-year-old boy was sexually abused at Buckingham Palace and at the Queen's home at Balmoral. ...
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