Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Saturday, 25 November 2017
Friday, 24 November 2017
Thursday, 23 November 2017
World May Face Liquefied Natural Gas Supply Shortage by 2025
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Monday, 20 November 2017
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Friday, 17 November 2017
Turkey's Erdogan Accuses US of Financially Supporting Daesh in Syria © AP Photo/ Militant website MIDDLE EAST 11:58 17.11.2017 (updated 13:11 17.11.2017)
We are all being taken for complete idiots by these politicians. Donmeh Turkey, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Israel have been the main supporters of ISIS along with the US for years, and many other chosenite-controlled NATO countries and more still who use ISIS to help bring in their Talmudic one world government, how dare they play this childish game of counter-accusing each other in front of us all when they ALL work together supporting ISIS. Has Turkey stopped importing stolen oil from ISIS and selling it to Israel?
We are all being taken for complete idiots by these politicians. Donmeh Turkey, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Israel have been the main supporters of ISIS along with the US for years, and many other chosenite-controlled NATO countries and more still who use ISIS to help bring in their Talmudic one world government, how dare they play this childish game of counter-accusing each other in front of us all when they ALL work together supporting ISIS. Has Turkey stopped importing stolen oil from ISIS and selling it to Israel?
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Ah, but when will the Russian government do what they really should, and name Israel as being behind this, and quell the ambitions of Israel and world Jewry.
That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.
Both the Russian and US governments are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.
The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.
This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.
This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.
That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.
Both the Russian and US governments are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.
The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.
This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.
This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.
This is nothing less than state-ordered suicide, the government are traitors, they should be ousted, they are openly participating in the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan of obliteration of the Caucasian genome. The Swedes must wake up and see that their government are not working for them, but for another people entilrely.
This is nothing less than state-ordered suicide, the government are traitors, they should be ousted, they are openly participating in the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan of obliteration of the Caucasian genome. The Swedes must wake up and see that their government are not working for them, but for another people entilrely.
Ah, but when will the Russian government do what they really should, and name Israel as being behind this, and quell the ambitions of Israel and world Jewry.
That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.
Both the Russian and US governments are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.
The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.
This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.
This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.
That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.
Both the Russian and US governments are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.
The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.
This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.
This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Monday, 13 November 2017
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Friday, 10 November 2017
Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military
Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military
The erstwhile U.K. International Development Secretary Priti Patel could only have gone to Israel and had all of those political meetings with Israeli politicians, including the Israeli Prime Minister, under explicit orders from the PM Theresa May herself. How many governments in the UK are there?
Trying to get funds given to an Israeli military hospital treating wounded terrorist ISIS soldiers is a definite TRAITOROUS AND CRIMINAL ACT. It is obvious why Priti Patel had to be publicly distanced from the government when this obscene betrayal of public trust came to light.
That the Jewish-dominated UK government, with it's 80% members of 'Friends Of Israel' societies in it's main political parties, seeks to authorize funding to provide medical treatment for wounded ISIS terrorist soldiers, speaks volumes. The war on terror is a fake, ISRAEL, THE UK, THE USA, SAUDI ARABIA, AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES INVOLVED, ARE THE TERROR.
THE UK GOVERNMENT MEMBERS WHO ARE TRAITOROUSLY MEMBERS OF FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SOCIETIES IN THEIR PARTIES SHOULD BE SACKED AND IMPRISONED OVER THIS, NOT JUST SOME 'FALL GUYS'. All of those traitors have known full well for many years of the relationship between ISIS and Israel, they are all traitors.
This is definite proof that the UK government is definitely working with Israel to FUND ISIS, the same terrorists that are raping, mutilating, sexually enslaving and murdering little Yazidi, Christian and Muslim girls, and slaughtering many others in horrific manner.
In fact, imprisonment does not even begin to be an appropriate penalty for this unspeakably abominable act, or for concealing the true nature of the UK's relationship with ISIS and Israel.
We already know that the supposed 'enemies' of the UK and the USA, Al Qaeda, actually fought alongside NATO troops in Libya, to attack Colonel Qaddafi's loyalist troops. This is massive evidence of more of the same type of obscene deception and abuse of the trust of everyone.
Our British leaders are not working for the people of the UK at all, they are working entirely for the Jewish purpose of taking over all of the Middle East for the proposed expanded territory that will constitute Eretz Israel, and then the rest of the world, which has been the stated Jewish objective, in the recorded public statements of many prominent Jewish politicians, bankers, rabbis and other prominent Jews, for a great many years.
Well done those who exposed this.
The erstwhile U.K. International Development Secretary Priti Patel could only have gone to Israel and had all of those political meetings with Israeli politicians, including the Israeli Prime Minister, under explicit orders from the PM Theresa May herself. How many governments in the UK are there?
Trying to get funds given to an Israeli military hospital treating wounded terrorist ISIS soldiers is a definite TRAITOROUS AND CRIMINAL ACT. It is obvious why Priti Patel had to be publicly distanced from the government when this obscene betrayal of public trust came to light.
That the Jewish-dominated UK government, with it's 80% members of 'Friends Of Israel' societies in it's main political parties, seeks to authorize funding to provide medical treatment for wounded ISIS terrorist soldiers, speaks volumes. The war on terror is a fake, ISRAEL, THE UK, THE USA, SAUDI ARABIA, AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES INVOLVED, ARE THE TERROR.
THE UK GOVERNMENT MEMBERS WHO ARE TRAITOROUSLY MEMBERS OF FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SOCIETIES IN THEIR PARTIES SHOULD BE SACKED AND IMPRISONED OVER THIS, NOT JUST SOME 'FALL GUYS'. All of those traitors have known full well for many years of the relationship between ISIS and Israel, they are all traitors.
This is definite proof that the UK government is definitely working with Israel to FUND ISIS, the same terrorists that are raping, mutilating, sexually enslaving and murdering little Yazidi, Christian and Muslim girls, and slaughtering many others in horrific manner.
In fact, imprisonment does not even begin to be an appropriate penalty for this unspeakably abominable act, or for concealing the true nature of the UK's relationship with ISIS and Israel.
We already know that the supposed 'enemies' of the UK and the USA, Al Qaeda, actually fought alongside NATO troops in Libya, to attack Colonel Qaddafi's loyalist troops. This is massive evidence of more of the same type of obscene deception and abuse of the trust of everyone.
Our British leaders are not working for the people of the UK at all, they are working entirely for the Jewish purpose of taking over all of the Middle East for the proposed expanded territory that will constitute Eretz Israel, and then the rest of the world, which has been the stated Jewish objective, in the recorded public statements of many prominent Jewish politicians, bankers, rabbis and other prominent Jews, for a great many years.
Well done those who exposed this.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
The Great Culling: Our Water
The Great Culling: Our Water
Dr. Dean Burke PhD, who has worked 34 years at the National Cancer Institute in America stated; "In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."
What can you say? They are simply killing us and they know it.
Yet when you hear your dentist telling you, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste", although you know that they themselves will most likely have been conned into telling you that, and you try to tell them the truth, they can actually get very offended in some cases, which is truly sad, with some even taking it as an attempt to insult their status as competent professionals, even an attempt to destroy their business if you talk about it in the presence of other patients.
But they won't EVER stop telling people, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste". In doing that, they are just as bad as tobacconists, whose products kill over 50% of their customers.
I wrote to my local water authority some time ago, in a city area where the water registers at 1.5 ppm fluoride content, which is the equivalent of 1.5 mg per litre, to ask why this should be, and to ask what could be done to rectify this, sending a massive email full of scientific reports, and I never received even an acknowledgement that my email had been received, let alone any reply,
Officially, fluoride is not added to the water at all, so the fluoride must be mere pollution for the most part I reason, so the fluoride must be coming from industrial run-off, waste water from washing water-proof or stain-proof garments, carpets, chair-covers etc, or Teflon non-stick pots and pans that contain fluoride, apparently enough to kill any caged budgerigar in a kitchen where a Teflon frying pan is being used, so I really thought that any sane people in the water authority would be interested in investigating that and reducing that as much as possible, and of course, the 1.5 mg per litre is enough to cause a 6.8 IQ point drop in fetuses of pregnant women.
But no, 'they' are 'not interested'. Something is very wrong.
Dr. Dean Burke PhD, who has worked 34 years at the National Cancer Institute in America stated; "In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."
What can you say? They are simply killing us and they know it.
Yet when you hear your dentist telling you, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste", although you know that they themselves will most likely have been conned into telling you that, and you try to tell them the truth, they can actually get very offended in some cases, which is truly sad, with some even taking it as an attempt to insult their status as competent professionals, even an attempt to destroy their business if you talk about it in the presence of other patients.
But they won't EVER stop telling people, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste". In doing that, they are just as bad as tobacconists, whose products kill over 50% of their customers.
I wrote to my local water authority some time ago, in a city area where the water registers at 1.5 ppm fluoride content, which is the equivalent of 1.5 mg per litre, to ask why this should be, and to ask what could be done to rectify this, sending a massive email full of scientific reports, and I never received even an acknowledgement that my email had been received, let alone any reply,
Officially, fluoride is not added to the water at all, so the fluoride must be mere pollution for the most part I reason, so the fluoride must be coming from industrial run-off, waste water from washing water-proof or stain-proof garments, carpets, chair-covers etc, or Teflon non-stick pots and pans that contain fluoride, apparently enough to kill any caged budgerigar in a kitchen where a Teflon frying pan is being used, so I really thought that any sane people in the water authority would be interested in investigating that and reducing that as much as possible, and of course, the 1.5 mg per litre is enough to cause a 6.8 IQ point drop in fetuses of pregnant women.
But no, 'they' are 'not interested'. Something is very wrong.
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Demon Trump's government performed the Las Vegas massacre as a psy-op false flag, see government helicopter gunfire raking over the crowd, and Trump has the nerve to say that he is defending a free America. He should leave North Korea well alone, and forget fighting for one world NWO Talmudist government, but he won't, as WWIII and total destruction are the Talmudist intention all along. There is zero possibility of the chosenites of both the Talmud and Torah variety abandoning their aim of total world domination, they will press ahead with this even if it costs total world destruction, it is all or nothing for them, they are quite mad.
INSANE footage of helicopter firing at crowd in Las Vegas
Demon Trump's government performed the Las Vegas massacre as a psy-op false flag.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Monday, 6 November 2017
Erm, the chosenites totally annihilated 66 million Russian Christians according to Solzhenitsyn, and they still heavily influence President Putin in the form of the Chabad Lubavitchers that surround him. The Chabads are surely the most evil men in the entire world, who also surround Trump, who, by his own confession goes to regular Kaballah classes. To understand the Chabads, read 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch. When President Putin blows the ultra-racist Chabads out of the spheres of political and social influence in Russia, then he will have helped the Russian people assert what he claims, though I like the spirit of his speech, sounds like Adolf himself, who I greatly admire.
Sleeping pills take 10 years off your lifespan, tranquillizers/anti-depressants take 33% off your lifespan, and one report stated that American women taking Citalopram, an SSRI, died on average 38% sooner than other women.
Obviously, conventional psychiatric 'care' is really nothing of the sort, it is just a discreet form of culling, not even euthanasia. Mental states of the individual to a great extent surely often reflect the overwhelming communal mood and state of consciousness, as we are a communal body of souls formed of many interactive individuals, with an essential nexus, a Godhead Superoul, living in a psychic atmosphere that permeates us all just as the air that we all breathe does.
Certainly, any individual can also affect the communal body of society to some degree by altering their own consciousness spiritually or emotionally, but current methods of conventional 'psychiatry' are a complete fraud and are actually overwhelmingly harmful.
How can conventional psychiatry understand the individual when it is not prepared to accept consciousness existing before the creation of the physical body, or consciousness surviving the dissolution of the material body at 'death', or the existence of telepathy and other psychic and spiritual phenomena even during this lifespan incarnate in the material bodily vehicle.
Current conventional psychiatry is a mere political control mechanism, a fraud, existing to suppress the true individual, to actually destroy societal bonds and relationships, to sever the most intimate means of interconnection of every individual which normally and naturally relies on subtle material telepathy or spiritual interconnection, a principal means of interconnection during the times of our ancient tribal societies; Big Brother cannot allow this true individual spiritual power, seeing it as a threat, and wishes to make us forget it, and substitute an overwhelming belief in an Orwellian electronic surveillance and control grid system in its place, convincing everyone that God, and even their own souls, cannot exist, and that belief in consciousness beyond the mental signals of the brain is surely evidence of some mental aberration that requires psychiatric intervention. Thus those in power spiritually kill the other souls through an irrational fear of others, through actual spiritual ignorance, thinking that that will help them maintain their so-called 'power', which is in truth merely vanity and madness.
Maybe people need a spiritual solution in many situations, though terrible psychological suffering can indeed merely be the result of many economical, physical, or emotional factors that require in part, or in the main, the correction of outer factors in society or in their surrounding physical environments to remedy the ill of the individual, for instance better working and living conditions, even better nutrition, more sunlight, freedom from electronic or noise pollution, etc. etc. or even the dawning of a more genuine spiritually conscious form of government that actually shows real spiritual understanding and compassion, as that alone would bring great joy to many.
Our governments at the moment are criminally insane sadists for the most part, waging war all over the world for purposes no one understands, for purposes that none but the governments themselves, their deep state controllers and their elite cronies 'understand' in their deluded consciousness. Just to know we can be free of that terror alone would tremendously lighten the burden of the masses.
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Has anyone heard of the Jewish invention, the Cobalt Nuclear Bomb, invented in 1950, by Leo Szilard? He stated that 400 of those would kill all forms of life in this entire world.
What do people think Israel is building in Dimona right now? Think of the declaration of their Samson Option nuclear threat, the Israeli Jewish threat to destroy all life in this entire world if Israel itself ever faces any existential military threat.
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Friday, 3 November 2017
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
INSANE footage of helicopter firing at crowd in Las Vegas.
Coppers doing a false flag
INSANE footage of helicopter firing at crowd in Las Vegas.
Coppers doing a false flag
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