Friday 10 November 2017

Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military

Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military

The erstwhile U.K. International Development Secretary Priti Patel could only have gone to Israel and had all of those political meetings with Israeli politicians, including the Israeli Prime Minister, under explicit orders from the PM Theresa May herself. How many governments in the UK are there? 

Trying to get funds given to an Israeli military hospital treating wounded terrorist ISIS soldiers is a definite TRAITOROUS AND CRIMINAL ACT. It is obvious why Priti Patel had to be publicly distanced from the government when this obscene betrayal of public trust came to light. 

That the Jewish-dominated UK government, with it's 80% members of 'Friends Of Israel' societies in it's main political parties, seeks to authorize funding to provide medical treatment for wounded ISIS terrorist soldiers, speaks volumes. The war on terror is a fake,  ISRAEL, THE UK, THE USA, SAUDI ARABIA, AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES INVOLVED, ARE THE TERROR. 

THE UK GOVERNMENT MEMBERS WHO ARE TRAITOROUSLY MEMBERS OF FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SOCIETIES IN THEIR PARTIES SHOULD BE SACKED AND IMPRISONED OVER THIS, NOT JUST SOME 'FALL GUYS'.  All of those traitors have known full well for many years of the relationship between ISIS and Israel, they are all traitors.

This is definite proof that the UK government is definitely  working with Israel to FUND ISIS, the same terrorists that are raping, mutilating, sexually enslaving and murdering little Yazidi, Christian and Muslim girls, and slaughtering many others in horrific manner. 

In fact, imprisonment does not even begin to be an appropriate penalty for this unspeakably abominable act,  or for concealing the true nature of the UK's relationship with ISIS and Israel. 

We already know that the supposed 'enemies' of the UK and the USA, Al Qaeda, actually fought alongside NATO troops in Libya, to attack Colonel Qaddafi's loyalist troops. This is massive evidence of more of the same type of obscene deception and abuse of the trust of everyone. 

Our British leaders are not working for the people of the UK at all, they are working entirely for the Jewish purpose of taking over all of the Middle East for the proposed expanded territory that will constitute Eretz Israel,  and then the rest of the world, which has been the stated Jewish objective,  in the recorded public statements of many prominent Jewish politicians, bankers, rabbis and other prominent Jews, for a great many years. 

Well done those who exposed this.  

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