Negro people from Africa are not actually merely a different race to us, they are actually a different species, uniquely possessing a simian ledge in their skulls, which only the ape species have, as they split from the rest of the humanoid species some 72 million years ago, with Caucasians having originated not in Africa as the Jewish propagandists tell us, but in an area around Greece/Bulgaria, so we are very different creatures, though, just as with the two different cat species, the tiger and the lion, who can, under unnatural and forced circumstances, also reproduce together, and actually produce fertile offspring, called the 'liger', so also an African Negro and a white Caucasian (or an Asian) can crossbreed, and their offspring also will be fertile, but that does not mean that they are natural. See articles on this and other related topics on 'Renegade Tribune'
You can't successfully mix racially different genomes of massively different evolutionary structure, the mixes will be hugely imbalanced, with genetically predetermined differing types of skill sets suited to their particular ecosystems and environments competing in their minds with differing skill sets and instincts, they will be very uncomfortable. With the individual races having evolved to cope with very different environments, any mixed-race progeny will in fact be hugely inappropriate for coping in many ways, even physically, as darker racial mixes will get schizophrenia and rickets through not getting enough sunshine in northern climate countries, and whiter racial mixes will not be black enough anymore to protect them from excessive exposure to sunshine in equatorial regions, what will they do, they will eventually die out over time through disease, that is what, another part of the Jewish intention for all other races to become weaker and die out.
The mixed-race man of the future would at the best only be able to comfortably physically inhabit a quite small area of the Earth, (something the genocidal Agenda 21 fanatics would love) but they would still have mental problems, they would not be comfortable, strung out between different racial memories in their genes with no sense of solid kinship.
Such mixed-race progeny could not remain mentally and physically healthy. We must make governments, selected from our own peoples, to replace the wealthy millionaire Jewish-influenced clique that currently fields almost all the political candidates at electoral time, and elect from our own peoples, our own cultures, and encourage the peoples of other races to do the same. This does not mean hatred, but rather, much better health and conditions for all, with only temporary visas then being issued between all nations and peoples for purposes of tourism, trade delegations, scientific delegations, political delegates, embassy staff, even temporary migrant workers and so on.
We should ask all nations to operate on these principles with a good attitude towards the peoples of all others, and all nations should restore their peoples to their home lands, areas to which they are genetically and sometimes uniquely suited.
When blacks and whites are thrust together in unpleasant circumstances, the atmosphere of hostility from the blacks can be undeniably very strong indeed, as they often have a strong sense of 'entitlement' for all the 'injustice' that their forbears went through when the Jews ran the international slave trade, which the Jews very cunningly blame on the whites, and the blacks then can manifest an overbearingly unpleasant territorial presence and seeming vengefulness, often translated into a dark, brooding malevolent hatred and actual physical violence, all of which is oppressive and actually undeserved by us whites. Jews have dominated the west for centuries, both economically and politically, so both our peoples are victims of the Jews, and the blacks would more appropriately address their resentfulness against the Jews rather than against the whites.
That is why the Jews brought them here, to do us in, one way or the other, after the Jews wound them up with the slave trade, with punitive economic arrangements in their own countries, with the wars that the Jewish politicians in the west are now forcing on the black countries and so on. We need to depose the Jewish politicians and bankers, and offer all other peoples a better trading relationship, one that will no longer produce a sense of having been exploited, and with that, the mental hostility will cease, using something along the lines of a federation of nations , each of which is unshackled from the parasitic Jewish banking system, able to live and trade with usury free economies, actually National Socialist economies, or very similar, such as each nation prefers to run for it's own people, all of them forming a new economic bloc that offers security in all terms to it's fellow member states..
Restore all the blacks to Africa, and give them freedom from usury, with fair trade prices in barter for all commodities traded, and the chip on the shoulder of the black man in Africa will soon vanish, but he will always be a different species, and there will always be a certain undeniable natural racial antipathy between the different races, though this need not descend into genocidal hatred and violence or exploitation. If we all live in our own lands, out of sight and mind to the other races, except when we meet to do trade, or go on holiday, or even exchange students sometimes, then no need for unpleasantness need become manifest at all, and the pseudo-scientific blather about us all being one race, with the asserted need for us all (except the Jewish people themselves who are behind the whole ridiculous plan) to merge into one race, what would only be in effect, an inferior slave caste under the intended Jewish master race, as is really intended by the Coudenhove Kalergi program, can be entirely discarded onto the rubbish heap, where it belongs, and the Jews themselves who are in fact attempting genocide on the whites, and ultimately all other races, can also be thrown out, and sent perhaps to Birobidzhan, a semi-autonomous oblast created just for them in Russia, the size of Switzerland, created for them in the 1920's by Stalin, not without considerable foresight I think, as he knew the skullduggery that the Jews were to embark upon and created this bolt-hole for them back then.
Repatriations to other nations can be financially assisted with due recognition of each person's past contribution to society, and more financial assistance can be added for benevolent reasons besides, to create good feeling, especially to those who really have made a good effort in our societies, to assist such resettling, so that no one is made to experience disadvantage, but only advantage after such repatriation, though of course, malevolent jihadist terrorist scum posing as refugees can simply be thrown out.
The repatriations could be phased, to give a very good deal of time for all movements to be effected as comfortably as possible, even extending timelines for the whole program over a decade or two, or even a little longer in exceptional cases.
But legislation is necessary for genetic well-being of all the races, just as we presently have legislation preventing incest, that of course, no one needs to get up in arms about, as that is patently sensible and vitally necessary.
Mixed race people could be perhaps advised to live somewhere like Brazil or other climates suited to their skin colour, that will afford them enough light for their health. But the greater happiness and well-being of all peoples would be the ultimate intent.
The current Jewish-dominated program of steady genocide through DU, GMO, constant warfare, fake medicine (the Jewish POTUS Roosevelt withdrew the Raymond Royal Rife technology in the 1930's that cured 100% of all cases of cancer that it was tested on, and it was tested on, and completely cured all forms of diseases caused by pathogens, such as influenza, poliomyelitis, typhus, diphtheria, meningitis, hepatitis, etc.) would all be stopped under this arrangement, and proven water-powered engine technology freed, so that the earth is no longer destroyed for oil.
Jew Kissinger stated that the leading policy of the US in coming years would be REDUCTION OF POPULATION IN THIRD WORLD NATIONS whilst Americans consume 37 times more natural resources than those in the Third World countries.
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