Thursday, 21 September 2017

What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight

Christianity is no longer suitable for the power elite needs of a religion that is a political tool to get the people to self-police themselves and terrorize themselves through fear of being burned alive for all eternity after this life if they don't come up to expectations (who can?). The Christian and Muslim religions of course have sent many quite insane down through the ages, leading them to commit many mass murders, but for the purposes of maintaining an iron-fisted totalitarian regime, Christianity has now totally lost it's force, it is now no more than a paper tiger, no one listens anymore to the pathetic street preachers warning everyone of eternal flames if they don't let 'Jesus' be their 'friend'.

So, a new terrorist tool is needed for the 'liberated' western countries, that does much of the job of a stasi type brutal police force for them, by making the people be their own police, and even then, there will be actual police, like the violently insane Saudi Arabian Mutaween, the morality 'police' who have even burned little schoolgirls alive for not wearing their headdresses after running out from a girls' school when it mysteriously caught fire, and they just 'happened' to be present and shoved them back in the flames to burn to death. There, girls have acid thrown in their faces, poison put in their food, merely for attending schools, as learning for women is frowned upon there. We can expect all this to come in the west, and France will undoubtedly be Muslim-governed in the next twenty years or so, with any Muslim government inheriting a massive French nuclear arsenal of course. 

Islam is the perfect tool for repression of any people by any insane and cruel dictator of any country, and will, in many countries, be the terrorist religion which will be used to front the NWO dictatorship to come, which will in fact be controlled by cunning terrorist world dictators from the intended NWO world government headquarters in Jerusalem when the time comes, which is not far off, a few decades at the very most. 

So, quite naturally, they will now import the utterly barbaric Islam, so that people will once again keep themselves utterly terrified to death under such a fake religion, and of course, form all the little cults within Islam that routinely go around slaughtering each other exactly as they now do in the Middle East, so we can look forward to balkanized states, even block wars like in Beirut where rocket grenades are fired between rival tower blocks, and snipers pick off people from rival cults venturing outside for any reason, and of course, the power elites are people like Barbara Lerner Spectre who wishes the enforcement of the Coudenhove Kalergi Program of enforced racial interbreeding.

This same Coudenhove Kalergi racial interbreeding program (not mere 'cultural integration') was also brutally stated by the chosenite erstwhile French President, Sarkozy, to not be a matter merely of 'volunteerism', but of state edict, something that MUST take place, and if it does not, he stated, then the state will take additional measures to ensure that racial interbreeding will take place, and he was quite unambiguous, very direct and specific with his language in this regard. 

Such a proposition is unimaginably totalitarian, and racist (in that individual races other than the Tribe, who class themselves effectively as a race, even if of soul type alone, rather than based on DNA, despite the protestations of various tools of their programs of deception), will not be allowed to exist as distinct races any longer, this is a terrible crime, this is not democracy, or freedom, or indeed a program genuinely aimed to stop so-called racial hatred, it itself is a supreme example of racial hatred. Not even a farmer breeds all his animals into one breed or makes all his strains of wheat into one strain, or he would soon be out of business. 

Karl Marx stated in an article in the Paris review, many years ago "The chief mission of all other peoples and races, great and small, is TO PERISH IN THE REVOLUTIONARY HOLOCAUST". Rabbi Stephen Wise stated; "Some call it Marxism, ... I call it Judaism".

First there will be the death of the individual, then the physical enslavement under the iron fist of an unthinkably totalitarian and sadistic Orwellian world government, and then the people themselves will be phased out in favour of using more mechanised DARPA type robots for common labour, replacing the need for the Gentile servants that the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef spoke of in the Israel Times.

But Spectre, Sarkozy and the like of their tribe will be doing all the organizing from a very safe distance, they and their people will in no way get involved in interbreeding themselves with their new farm stock, nor will they become Muslim either, they fully intend to remain the rulers of all humanity, as, after all, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the late Israeli Head of the Sephardic Shas Party, stated, Gentiles were only created to serve the Jews, and that is why 'Gentiles who serve the Jews get to live a long life', get it?, if you don't serve the Jews, then of course, you get a 'short' life, like those in Germany, Libya, Iraq etc. did.

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