Thursday, 21 December 2017

Ursula Haverbeck Talks about the "Holocaust" in English

Ursula Haverbeck Talks about the "Holocaust" in English: Haverbeck wants an answer to a simple question. Following the events in Paris, the Je Suis Charlie campaign called for the protection and promotion of freedom of

Ursula Haverbeck Talks about the "Holocaust" in English

Ursula Haverbeck Talks about the "Holocaust" in English: Haverbeck wants an answer to a simple question. Following the events in Paris, the Je Suis Charlie campaign called for the protection and promotion of freedom of

Jewish Woman Talks to Oprah About Ritual Murder

Jewish Woman Talks to Oprah About Ritual Murder: Long ago Oprah actually had an interesting show, wherein a jewish woman exposed what many jewish families are up to behind closed doors.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

The 12 Legal Contraventions That Prove Nuremberg Proceedings Were Warfare On A Defeated ‘Enemy’

The interrogators headed by a Jewish Scottish officer with the British forces crushed the testicles of over a hundred German officers to useless pulp, and beat their skulls with metal knuckle dusters to obtain 'confessions', also threatening violence on their families, to ensure that such confessions as desired would be given.

The 12 Legal Contraventions That Prove Nuremberg Proceedings Were Warfare On A Defeated ‘Enemy’: From Wear's WarAfter Germany’s defeat in WWII, the Nuremberg and later trials were organized primarily for political purposes rather than to dispense impartial justice. Wears War brings to you e

Friday, 15 December 2017

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult: This is an in-depth study that cites Dals study of this matter, as well as many other respected investigators who have researched this rather grisly topic.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Friday, 17 November 2017

Turkey's Erdogan Accuses US of Financially Supporting Daesh in Syria © AP Photo/ Militant website MIDDLE EAST 11:58 17.11.2017 (updated 13:11 17.11.2017)

We are all being taken for complete idiots by these politicians. Donmeh Turkey, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Israel have been the main supporters of ISIS along with the US for years, and many other chosenite-controlled NATO countries and more still who use ISIS to help bring in their Talmudic one world government, how dare they play this childish game of counter-accusing each other in front of us all when they ALL work together supporting ISIS. Has Turkey stopped importing stolen oil from ISIS and selling it to Israel?

Nrusimha Mahamantram Ugram Veeram Mahaa-Vishnum - 108 Chants

The Taboo Speech

The Taboo Speech

Germany’s Incredible Courage To Defend Europe: How Hitler’s Invasion of The Soviet Union Surprised Stalin

Germany’s Incredible Courage To Defend Europe: How Hitler’s Invasion of The Soviet Union Surprised Stalin

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Ah, but when will the Russian government do what they really should, and name Israel as being behind this, and quell the ambitions of Israel and world Jewry.

That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.

Both the Russian and US governmen
ts are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.

The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.

This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.

This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.

This is nothing less than state-ordered suicide, the government are traitors, they should be ousted, they are openly participating in the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan of obliteration of the Caucasian genome. The Swedes must wake up and see that their government are not working for them, but for another people entilrely.
This is nothing less than state-ordered suicide, the government are traitors, they should be ousted, they are openly participating in the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan of obliteration of the Caucasian genome. The Swedes must wake up and see that their government are not working for them, but for another people entilrely.
Ah, but when will the Russian government do what they really should, and name Israel as being behind this, and quell the ambitions of Israel and world Jewry.

That they will never do, as they too, behind all these silly word games, even in spite of the Russian attacks on the useful mercenary idiots, ISIS, with Russia on the surface apparently conflicting with the US 'treachery' of supporting ISIS, are being controlled by the same sinister men in black suits as the US government has been for many years, the Kabbalist Chabad Lubavitchers, the real deep state.

Both the Russian and US governments are on the same side, the Chabad Lubavitcher side.

The end result will be an seemingly unfathomable tangle of apparently conflicting truths that will cover the real origins of the coming WWIII, so as to maintain fanatical zeal n the hearts of all those who are intended to kill each other.

This deception is intended also to disguise who is actually behind the mutually intended certain goal of annihilation of the gentile peoples of Russia, America and Europe, who are all thoroughly intended to be sacrificed in a nuclear war, despite all the pretensions by all parties in leadership.

This is the path to one world NWO Talmudist government, under Noahide Law, despite the purported opposition by Russia to any form of NWO one world government or uni-polar global governmental influence, as everything Russia does totally supports the Israeli objectives and objectives of world Jewry and their aims of world domination and enslavement of any survivors of any coming conflict, who will then be massively whittled down in proportion still further by the utterly merciless implementation of the Noahide laws.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military

Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military

The erstwhile U.K. International Development Secretary Priti Patel could only have gone to Israel and had all of those political meetings with Israeli politicians, including the Israeli Prime Minister, under explicit orders from the PM Theresa May herself. How many governments in the UK are there? 

Trying to get funds given to an Israeli military hospital treating wounded terrorist ISIS soldiers is a definite TRAITOROUS AND CRIMINAL ACT. It is obvious why Priti Patel had to be publicly distanced from the government when this obscene betrayal of public trust came to light. 

That the Jewish-dominated UK government, with it's 80% members of 'Friends Of Israel' societies in it's main political parties, seeks to authorize funding to provide medical treatment for wounded ISIS terrorist soldiers, speaks volumes. The war on terror is a fake,  ISRAEL, THE UK, THE USA, SAUDI ARABIA, AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES INVOLVED, ARE THE TERROR. 

THE UK GOVERNMENT MEMBERS WHO ARE TRAITOROUSLY MEMBERS OF FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SOCIETIES IN THEIR PARTIES SHOULD BE SACKED AND IMPRISONED OVER THIS, NOT JUST SOME 'FALL GUYS'.  All of those traitors have known full well for many years of the relationship between ISIS and Israel, they are all traitors.

This is definite proof that the UK government is definitely  working with Israel to FUND ISIS, the same terrorists that are raping, mutilating, sexually enslaving and murdering little Yazidi, Christian and Muslim girls, and slaughtering many others in horrific manner. 

In fact, imprisonment does not even begin to be an appropriate penalty for this unspeakably abominable act,  or for concealing the true nature of the UK's relationship with ISIS and Israel. 

We already know that the supposed 'enemies' of the UK and the USA, Al Qaeda, actually fought alongside NATO troops in Libya, to attack Colonel Qaddafi's loyalist troops. This is massive evidence of more of the same type of obscene deception and abuse of the trust of everyone. 

Our British leaders are not working for the people of the UK at all, they are working entirely for the Jewish purpose of taking over all of the Middle East for the proposed expanded territory that will constitute Eretz Israel,  and then the rest of the world, which has been the stated Jewish objective,  in the recorded public statements of many prominent Jewish politicians, bankers, rabbis and other prominent Jews, for a great many years. 

Well done those who exposed this.  

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps - Documentary

The Great Culling: Our Water

The Great Culling: Our Water

Dr. Dean Burke PhD, who has worked 34 years at the National Cancer Institute in America stated; "In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."

What can you say? They are simply killing us and they know it.

Yet when you hear your dentist telling you, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste", although you know that they themselves will most likely have been conned into telling you that, and you try to tell them the truth, they can actually get very offended in some cases, which is truly sad, with some even taking it as an attempt to insult their status as competent professionals, even an attempt to destroy their business if you talk about it in the presence of other patients.

But they won't EVER stop telling people, "We always recommend that everyone uses a fluoride toothpaste". In doing that, they are just as bad as tobacconists, whose products kill over 50% of their customers.

I wrote to my local water authority some time ago, in a city area where the water registers at 1.5 ppm fluoride content, which is the equivalent of 1.5 mg per litre, to ask why this should be, and to ask what could be done to rectify this, sending a massive email full of scientific reports, and I never received even an acknowledgement that my email had been received, let alone any reply,

Officially, fluoride is not added to the water at all, so the fluoride must be mere pollution for the most part I reason, so the fluoride must be coming from industrial run-off, waste water from washing water-proof or stain-proof garments, carpets, chair-covers etc, or Teflon non-stick pots and pans that contain fluoride, apparently enough to kill any caged budgerigar in a kitchen where a Teflon frying pan is being used, so I really thought that any sane people in the water authority would be interested in investigating that and reducing that as much as possible, and of course, the 1.5 mg per litre is enough to cause a 6.8 IQ point drop in fetuses of pregnant women.

But no, 'they' are 'not interested'. Something is very wrong.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Demon Trump's government performed the Las Vegas massacre as a psy-op false flag, see government helicopter gunfire raking over the crowd, and Trump has the nerve to say that he is defending a free America. He should leave North Korea well alone, and forget fighting for one world NWO Talmudist government, but he won't, as WWIII and total destruction are the Talmudist intention all along. There is zero possibility of the chosenites of both the Talmud and Torah variety abandoning their aim of total world domination, they will press ahead with this even if it costs total world destruction, it is all or nothing for them, they are quite mad.

INSANE footage of helicopter firing at crowd in Las Vegas

Demon Trump's government performed the Las Vegas massacre as a psy-op false flag.

Tales of the Holohoax

Tales of the Holohoax

Monday, 6 November 2017

Erm, the chosenites totally annihilated 66 million Russian Christians according to Solzhenitsyn, and they still heavily influence President Putin in the form of the Chabad Lubavitchers that surround him. The Chabads are surely the most evil men in the entire world, who also surround Trump, who, by his own confession goes to regular Kaballah classes. To understand the Chabads, read 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch. When President Putin blows the ultra-racist Chabads out of the spheres of political and social influence in Russia, then he will have helped the Russian people assert what he claims, though I like the spirit of his speech, sounds like Adolf himself, who I greatly admire.
Sleeping pills take 10 years off your lifespan, tranquillizers/anti-depressants take 33% off your lifespan, and one report stated that American women taking Citalopram, an SSRI, died on average 38% sooner than other women.

Obviously, conventional psychiatric 'care' is really nothing of the sort, it is just a discreet form of culling, not even euthanasia. Mental states of the individual to a great extent surely often reflect the overwhelming communal mood and state of consciousness, as we are a communal body of souls formed of many interactive individuals, with an essential nexus, a Godhead Superoul, living in a psychic atmosphere that permeates us all just as the air that we all breathe does.

Certainly, any individual can also affect the communal body of society to some degree by altering their own consciousness spiritually or emotionally, but current methods of conventional 'psychiatry' are a complete fraud and are actually overwhelmingly harmful.

How can conventional psychiatry understand the individual when it is not prepared to accept consciousness existing before the creation of the physical body, or consciousness surviving the dissolution of the material body at 'death', or the existence of telepathy and other psychic and spiritual phenomena even during this lifespan incarnate in the material bodily vehicle.

Current conventional psychiatry is a mere political control mechanism, a fraud, existing to suppress the true individual, to actually destroy societal bonds and relationships, to sever the most intimate means of interconnection of every individual which normally and naturally relies on subtle material telepathy or spiritual interconnection, a principal means of interconnection during the times of our ancient tribal societies; Big Brother cannot allow this true individual spiritual power, seeing it as a threat, and wishes to make us forget it, and substitute an overwhelming belief in an Orwellian electronic surveillance and control grid system in its place, convincing everyone that God, and even their own souls, cannot exist, and that belief in consciousness beyond the mental signals of the brain is surely evidence of some mental aberration that requires psychiatric intervention. Thus those in power spiritually kill the other souls through an irrational fear of others, through actual spiritual ignorance, thinking that that will help them maintain their so-called 'power', which is in truth merely vanity and madness.

Maybe people need a spiritual solution in many situations, though terrible psychological suffering can indeed merely be the result of many economical, physical, or emotional factors that require in part, or in the main, the correction of outer factors in society or in their surrounding physical environments to remedy the ill of the individual, for instance better working and living conditions, even better nutrition, more sunlight, freedom from electronic or noise pollution, etc. etc. or even the dawning of a more genuine spiritually conscious form of government that actually shows real spiritual understanding and compassion, as that alone would bring great joy to many.

Our governments at the moment are criminally insane sadists for the most part, waging war all over the world for purposes no one understands, for purposes that none but the governments themselves, their deep state controllers and their elite cronies 'understand' in their deluded consciousness. Just to know we can be free of that terror alone would tremendously lighten the burden of the masses.

David Icke (Oct 21, 2017) - The Plan To Kill You

David Icke (Oct 21, 2017) - The Plan To Kill You

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Has anyone heard of the Jewish invention, the Cobalt Nuclear Bomb, invented in 1950, by Leo Szilard? He stated that 400 of those would kill all forms of life in this entire world.

What do people think Israel is building in Dimona right now? Think of the declaration of their Samson Option nuclear threat, the Israeli Jewish threat to destroy all life in this entire world if Israel itself ever faces any existential military threat.

How Stalin Conspired To Foment WW2 & Infiltrate the U.S. Government

How Stalin Conspired To Foment WW2 & Infiltrate the U.S. Government

Sunday, 15 October 2017


I wonder what version of Mein Kampf he is holding there, as I have the authentic Stalag version, the only version authorized to be printed in English translated at the time from German, and it is twice as thick, these other so-called editions of Mein Kampf that are generally available are very heavily redacted, and very badly translated, for obvious reasons, and I am interested in the part of the video when he claims Hitler wrote in his Mein Kampf that he wants to exterminate all the Jews. There are statements elsewhere in which Hitler is deliberately and maliciously misquoted as stating that he intended the literal extermination of all Jews

If Hitler had really said that he intended to exterminate all the Jews, why did his Jewish personal doctor not poison him to death? Why did his Jewish personal chauffeur not deliberately suicide him by driving him into oncoming traffic or over the side of a bridge? If Hitler had really said that, then the 150,000 Jews serving in the German ranks, highly-trained, highly-armed, and in the position to do the maximum damage, would have mutinied and utterly destroyed the German armed forces from within.

The Jews would certainly appear to have been totally selfish and gutless there, yet when we look at history and word politics today this is not at all true of the Jews, who are actually extremely audacious in their intent to take over the world, that requires a lot of courage, an extreme amount of violent intent, so when the Jews say they were just pathetic and helpless 'victims' in those camps, that surely has to be a lie, as Jews have always been extremely aggressive and highly combative throughout their bloody history. If there really had been gas chambers in the camps, there most certainly would have been CONTINUOUS extremely violent and bloody confrontations between camp guards, the unarmed staff, and the inmates.

Even in 1933, the Jew Leo Szilard came up with the demonic idea of the atom bomb, and patented the functional design for that in 1934 in London, England, how weak and pathetic is that? 'We are just a peaceful and humble people' does not seem to ring quite true there. Jews invented the nuclear and neutron bombs also, and in 1950, the Jewish 'scientist' Leo Szilard invented the extremely dirty version of the nuclear bomb on top of the earlier nuclear bomb design of another Jewish scientist, the Cobalt Nuclear Bomb, on which the Dr Strangelove film was based, though that film of course made out that it was Russia that had developed it, not the Israeli Jews, though of course, Russia was dominated by Jews at the time anyway, so that Jews could have used Russia to implement that threat, and Szilard stated that just 400 of these devices would kill all forms of life in the entire world, permanently. How peaceful is that? Surely, people like the Americans must be quite mad giving billions to the Jews every year, on top of the 2.3 trillions they stole at the time of the New York Mossad-controlled terrorist attacks in New York and on the Pentagon on 9/11 2001, as most surely, the Jews will be using that money right now to complete the requisite number of these world-killing Cobalt nuclear devices in their secretive nuclear facilities at Dimona in Israel so that they are always fully prepared to fully implement their terrorist threat to destroy all life on this entire world if they feel it necessary, should any nation dare to make a practical military attempt to destroy Israel, as the Jews wish all other nations to police each other to make sure that never happens, and if any one nation does make such an attempt, then ALL other nations of the world will be collectively held responsible and collectively punished with complete annihilation of all life there.   

It seems to me that the Jews are only too keen to kill anyone they wish at any time, even at the cost of their own lives in terrorist bombing attacks like those committed after WWII against the British by the Irgun, and even today when their Mossad Intelligence officers and Israeli commando officers have been captured leading ISIS terrorist attacks using an Israeli-armed, Israeli-funded black-ops, psy-ops army of mercenary Kharijite fake Muslims, who fight entirely for the purposes of Israeli Jewish expansionism in the Middle East area and for the purposes of further blackening the already very dark reputation of Islam, and of destroying western gentile culture worldwide, on the back of which they intend to inflict their iron-fisted totalitarian Judaic NWO one world government over the rest of the entire world, a NWO in which all other religions and their adherents will be physically annihilated, just as the 66 million Christians were in Russia following the Jewish Bolshevik terrorist takeover there in 1917 who ended up being slaughtered, so it is patently ridiculous for the Jews to try to make us believe that all these Jews would never have actually fought against the Germans rather than serving alongside them. With hindsight, we can see now how Hitler's gentlemanly gesture towards those Jews has since been entirely ignored, with the very opposite of the real truth given now instead.

Hitler even gave iron crosses to Jews in WWII and he even gave iron crosses to some Jewish veterans from WWI in belated recognition of their earlier service to the German nation.

It is absolutely ridiculous for the Jews to continue to assert that every day, thousands of Jews just walked like sheep to be gassed to death, whilst all the  other Jews just watched, when a charge of unarmed Jews against the relativity few armed guards (and unarmed instructors who were teaching them agriculture, machine work etc. prior to their intended deportation to Palestine, so that they would be able to provide a living for themselves there) would simply have overwhelmed them all and allowed the Jews to go elsewhere. 

The facts are that the Jews had it very good in the camps until the Allies destroyed their food and medical supply routes, as they were protected from the bombing raids that totally obliterated entire towns and cities throughout Germany. They had shelter in those camps and all modern facilities, and were safe there until the system collapsed and disease and starvation began to affect the populations of the camps.

Here is an example of deliberate malicious mistranslation of Hitler's words on this policy; 


Had Hitler actually wanted to kill all the Jews, he would have done what the crypto-Jew General Eisenhower did after the war, when (future POTUS) Eisenhower killed over 980,000 Germans in just 25 days, by the very simple and cost-free method of herding them into open fields with no shelter or latrines or washing facilities, behind barbed wire and machine guns, and simply depriving them all of water, food and shelter until they all died. 

If there really had been any more than the actual maximum of 4.5 million or so Jews in all the countries that eventually became German-occupied (over 2 million Jews emigrated to Russia before serious hostilities broke out, for example, and 60,000 Jews migrated to Palestine with German assistance, 500,000 Jews were never deported from German-occupied France etc. etc.) , then Hitler could easily have killed all Jews actually remaining in Europe in just a few months. And even if we generously consider for a moment the hysterical figure of 6 million Jews, they could all have been killed by Eisenhower's method in just 6 months, and we know that Hitler knew well of the methods that the actual concentration camps used by the British against the Boers, so he could, if he had wished, have used those very same and extremely effective methods had he really wished to, rather than providing camps with sleeping quarters, canteen mess halls, canteen shops from which they could buy beer and postage stamps and stationary and so on, with camp scrip money earned at highly competitive rates compared with the wage rates of civilians outside the camps, breweries, brothels, synagogues, football pitches, swimming pools, barbers, dentists, hospitals with maternity wards, theatres with cinema facilities,and plays performed by the Jewish and other inmates in fancy costumes that were recorded then can still be seen, with well-fed, happy and healthy long-legged women doing high kicks across the stage and so on. 

Why would Hitler build gas chambers and all the other ridiculous (and very expensive) technologies he has been falsely stated to have used at various times if he really wanted to physically exterminate all the Jews? The highly-funded propaganda industry against Hitler, and against National Socialism itself, is extremely relentless, hateful, forceful and hysterical, continually directed at massive expense from the highest levels of the parasitic Jewish-controlled political establishments of the world through the Jewish-controlled world mass media. And that is because the Jews are very worried that if the actually excellent National Socialist economic and social model ever becomes acceptable again by any nation, that will severely hamper Jewish efforts towards world domination and actual destruction of the Gentile peoples of this world. 

'Rabbi says kill non-Jews who refuse to follow Jewish laws'


Bill Dannemeyer
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992

The Jewish Talmud states "Even the best if Gentiles should all be killed". 

Here is what Jews really think of us;

'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi? By Alison Weir, CounterPunch.

Friday, 13 October 2017

I've Seen The Needle and The Damage Done

I've Seen The Needle and The Damage Done

Every single child I see that has just been vaccinated starts screaming uncontrollably in pain and discomfort, hysterically, with a terrible injured expression on their face,  like a badly damaged autistic child, and why should they not express such a register of the fact that they know they have just been damaged for life with permanent brain injuries by the very people they trusted with all their hearts to protect and nurture them? That is all they are doing, and babies even at that age have a timeless consciousness in them that they have carried with them not only in the womb, but from the pre-incarnation state of consciousness, and they can really tell when someone has just nuked the mental faculties of the material bodily vehicles that they are now going to be stuck with for life. And this is from vaccines that now supposedly have no mercury in them for babies, yet whatever is in them is very clearly badly harming them, no healthy or happy baby screams like that in agonized rage.

Incidentally, the 4 s' s are a good method to pacify a crying child, though of course, nothing will pacify a child who has just been vaccinated, But SUCKLING, SWINGING, SWADDLING (OR GENTLY SWATHING, BUT NOT MUCH AS SO AS TO RISK OVERHEATING, OR TO BE UNCOMFORTABLY TOO TIGHT, OR TO RISK CAUSING RESTRICTED BREATHING) whilst making a 'shooshing' sound mimicking the soothing sound of blood rushing in the mother's womb, is known to stop nearly 100% of babies crying with almost immediate effect.

These babies have just been most terribly betrayed, no wonder the IQ levels in children around the world are dropping at such an horrendous rate.

The damage done with mercury in dental fillings is another well-known method they use to push the deadly poison mercury into kids' mouths, with the American Dental Association criminally and hypocritically being the leading provider of funding for advertising of sugar candy products in the US, to ensure a steady supply of kids with rotting mouths that they can put mercury in, and mercury just keeps on giving off poisonous mercury vapour that immediately destroys brain cell neurons on contact, for decades, it is a constant process of lobotomy.

And the use of  damaging fluoride products is just as sinister and harmful, evidence of a military program of deliberate harm to keep the population down, with 37% of children in the US now suffering dental fluorosis from the actually damaging fluoride products in their toothpaste and water etc., and they even add fluoride to baby food, and some pregnant women with fluoride in their systems at the rate of 1 to 1.5 mg fluoride per litre of blood produce damaged children with an average decrease in IQ of 6.8 points, and those levels must be being regularly found and such instances must be quite common.

"Fluoride Levels in Urine: About a quarter of the IQ studies have provided data on the level of fluoride in the children’s urine, with the majority of these studies reporting that the average urine fluoride level was below 3 mg/L. To put this level in perspective, a study from England found that 5.6% of the adult population in fluoridated areas have urinary fluoride levels exceeding 3 mg/L, and 1.1% have levels exceeding 4 mg/L. (Mansfield 1999) Although there is an appalling absence of urinary fluoride data among children in the United States, the excess ingestion of fluoride toothpaste among some young children is almost certain to produce urinary fluoride levels that exceed 2 ppm in a portion of the child population." (brain cells neurons being denuded instantly by mercury) (mercury vapour coming off teeth, though some have considered this to be merely water vapour, teeth have been demonstrated to do this for at least 25 years after being filled with mercury-based fillings and liquid mercury does vapourize in the air in any case )

The Wisconsin Department of Health Service  states clearly here that mercury is a volatile metal that will actyally vapourize at room temperature and evaporate, so the people saying that mercury fillings do not evaporate and that the vapour is merely water are in fact dangerous shills.

In some places they say they have now removed mercury from vaccines given to babies (but they have not removed it from vaccines still given to other age groups). When I was 20, some time after completing my political studies at college, I requested some vaccines as a safeguard for my health before leaving for a long trip to India.

My GP, who was actually Jewish, then wrote a prescription authorizing vaccines to be given to me at the local clinic, a list of vaccines against typhus, polio, hepatitis, cholera, meningitis, that sort of thing, and at the bottom, he wrote in red handwriting 'THIOMERSAL x 200', and, as a relatively young man, still trusting that my doctor would of course be a benevolent man, I had no idea what thiomersal (thimerosal in the US) was and thought nothing of it.  And when I took this signed prescription to a designated clinic indicated to me by that doctor, requesting these vaccinations to be given to me, the clinician looked at me very gravely, in a very concerned and worried manner, and said, "Are you sure these vaccines are for you?" I said "Yes", trustingly and unsuspecting. He then said to me "I am not sure if  should give these to you".

I thought that my doctor, a GP or General practitioner, as family doctors are called in the UK,  must be OK at the time, as I considered him a family friend practically who had known my family for many years, and I said to the clinician to go ahead, as I was sure it would be alright.

The very same night, after receiving the vaccines, I went into a terrible nightmarish, state of delirium, not knowing what was happening properly, really out of it, but two weeks later I still persevered and pressed ahead with my travelling plans, no matter what, as  I was determined not to let that stop my planned journey, and still continued my 3 month trip, though that delirium and nightmarish state of consciousness never stopped for many months afterwards, and just got worse and worse during my stay in India and in the succeeding months after I returned for a very long period of time.

I am now sure that the 'thiomersal X 200" was a weaponized vaccine, deliberately created by the British government to harm anyone that the state wishes to damage. My politics teacher at college, a yellow-skinned Jewish MEP, had malevolently told me "I will have you struck off the voter's list" when I mentioned to the rest of my form at college that I knew his brother was engaged in very seedy practices with young underage boys, and that enraged him, and he had the authority to have me attacked in that manner, and in fact he also had me savagely beaten almost to death by a heavyweight friend of his brother within a very short time of him having threatened that, and the MEP even told me so afterwards, with a clenched fist in my face, and another Jewish teacher at that college, an acknowledged member of the Communist Party, who taught history, had earlier asked me 'What is the name of your doctor".

So that is another side to the vaccine argument, that they have produced weaponized vaccines with absolutely huge amounts of mercury in, to cause immense damage to anyone of any age group if they wish to use that option, and the other thing is that ANY doctor, ANY chemist, and ANY clinicians in ANY hospital will be under orders to use that as ordered, and the British NHS is very military in structure and ethos, very much like an armed forces unit in how people in that organization are told to obey instructions, and of course, many of them, if not all of them, will be requested to sign the Official Secrets Act, a very common thing, that even my own father, a civil servant had been requested to sign himself as a condition of his terms of employment. That weapon is something most people would never ever guess exists, or might ever be used. it is something that people do not know exists.  I still meet some decent doctors, and some absolute sick sadists, but one never knows who they are going to end up seeing even if they try to avoid this situation by paying for private medicine, such doctors are impossible to predict and impossible to avoid, as they often work in both public and private sectors.

When we see how the 80% 'Friends of Israel' MP government members in the UK, with similar numbers of Israel-first fanatics in the US government, working together with demented donmeh crypto-Jews in the Turkish government, Wahhabi Kharijite crypto-Jews Jews in the Saudi government, with similar crypto-Jews and their shabbos goyim agents in 40 governments in total participating behind everyone's backs in this terrorist takeover (for the Jews, and Putin is now starting to openly acknowledge this truth, even whilst 'oddly' {or obviously} still working with Saudi, Turkish and Israeli governments still), according to President Putin,  can covertly recruit and train, arm and direct terrorist mercenary ISIS soldiers one one way or another, and train them in black-ops and psy-ops attacks on little Yazidi, Muslim and Christian girls, killing, them, raping them, mutilating them, burning them alive, shooting them, enslaving them or selling them as sex 'brides' for their soldiers, we can see that our politicians, who work in the main solely for the demented Israeli Jewish purpose, and ultimate purposes of their intended NWO one world Jewish government to be run from Jerusalem, are cruel sick sadists who should never by released from prison or top security mental hospital, so yes indeed, they are quite capable of such nastiness against the gentiles in the countries they have wrongly taken over by infiltrating into our governments, in the service only of their fellow Jews, or Jewish masters.

Another time, the same doctor wrote me a prescription for some capsules, and he told me "I'll have a little surprise waiting for you" I naively thought he meant something pleasant, he asked me which chemist I normally went to to get any prescription from, and I mentioned a particular chemist shop, run in fact by a Jewish chemist who was also a magistrate, and my GP asked me "How long does it take you to walk there?", and I told him 20 minutes or so, and I set off, but he had rung ahead on the telephone, and when I walked into the chemist shop, actually 10 minutes early, surprising him, I saw my capsules all open on the counter, with two piles of white powder next to the empty capsules, and I asked the chemist what he was doing, and he told me he thought the capsules were a bit light in weight (an impossibility, as they were all factory measured at 100 mg) and so he was adding more powder to them. I foolishly trusted him and took those capsules for some time, and started coughing up blood, and suffered very severe Stevens- Johnson Syndrome, which is fatal in many cases and very often causes complete blindness as one of it's first effects, and I was left scarred internally and externally with very bad damage to several major bodily organs, just an example of how even a chemist can be requested to knock anyone off under state orders.

Another member of the same GP practice later told me that that was just a temporary side-effect, and that I should now take the same medicine again, and again, the Stevens-Johnson Syndrome recurred, very seriously, very nearly fatally, and the GP who represcribed that drug to me was another Jew, this was all before I got Jew-wise. The British NHS is largely a military weapon posed outwardly as an organization of cathedrals of healing, when much of what goes on could be seen as something that could take place in Bolshevik slaughterhouses, heavily infiltrated with militant and very sadistic Jews, with racist, white-hating black lackeys, equally sadistic in a significant number of cases in my personal experience, willing to use the misnomered 'health' service as such.

This is why we get chemo'therapy' and radio'therapy' instead of real cancer therapy, and why tranquilizers  produce a 33% reduction in lifespan, sometimes even more, and sleeping pills, also leading to dementia, causing an average 10 years reduction in lifespan, with eventual risk of dementia rising dramatically in those taking these drugs even for a relatively short period of time.

Premature cutting of umbilical cords, leaving children brain-damaged for life by starving the brain of oxygen of newborns through leaving the lungs uninflated with the blood that is vital to carry oxygenated blood to the brain is another weapon they use, known for over 200 years to cause such damage, leaving a child weak for life.

In the UK, recently, the government health authorities considered this issue, and decided in their infinite wisdom to be extremely generous to the peasants and recommend that midwives and nurses in future allow JUST 20 SECONDS, NOT TWENTY MINUTES, before cutting the umbilical cord of any new-born. That is surely evidence of vindictive malintent and total callousness.

In the US, they recommend 30-to 60 seconds before clamping or cutting the umbilical cord of new-borns, which is of course absolute madness.

And when GM soya, given to goats, causes a reduction on the size of their eventual offspring, with permanent genetic changes causing that, what will goat milk from them do to our children, when that GM RNA interacts with our own to produce genetic changes to our DNA? The Jews are even going to make us shorter and more manageable, just as the goats themselves are being made progressively smaller with each successive generation!

Other animals fed GMO are affected too, and exhibit lower fertility rates, increasingly stunted offspring with each successive generation etc. The rodents in this or another study were all sterile and only half the size of the original rats parenting subsequent generations when the study was complete, after just 3 generations.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


And the murderous Israeli Mossad scum need overseas aid to fund all of this, most of which comes from the US (on top of the 2.3 trillion dollars the chosenites stole from the US just before the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11, 2001, destroying the one particular office containing all evidence about to be released, along with all the staff who knew the details, lethal armed robbery by SPECTRE in other words).

And the US was attacked by Israel before when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli forces, again, as on 9/11, all with the help of chosenite traitors in the American political establishment.

And of course, Mossad officers have been captured leading ISIS attacks. Truly, America needs a very physical replacement of their current leadership, which is ultimately controlled by leading Jews in Israel/UK, as Trump constantly sells arms to crypto-Jewish-led Saudi Arabia, which provides ISIS with arms. Most Americans must be totally blind, willfully so at least.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Switzerland: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Jihad

Switzerland: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Jihad

Occupation by deception – the story of our time?

Occupation by deception – the story of our time?: (I’d like to leave this up for a couple of days as it’s such a brilliant exposure of the new reality that we’re living in) This article seems to be appearing on the Internet. I&#8…

And of course, the juice are behind the 'Islamic' invasion.

Drunkard Churchill ordered the RAf to drop gas bombs all over Germany, and to drop 2,000 anthrax bombs on Germany, which the RAF refused to do. The anthrax bombs would not only have wiped out all life in Germany, but also rendered all of Western Europe uninhabited and uninhabitable to this day, no doubt another version of the juice plan to eradicate all Caucasian life.

Lady Renouf has spoken on this, and has provided the details of the RAF historian who documented all these details, which are not the product of the imagination of some so-called conspiracy site, but are thoroughly validated as genuine.

Churchill was demonic, and knew exactly what he was required to do for the juice who had paid off all his gambling and other debts, and was an entirely ruthless man would gladly have killed hundreds of millions of people in Europe with anthrax weapons, to complete the evil task even back then that the juice are intent on completing today, the complete eradication of the white race, in vengeance for having the juice thrown out of Europe centuries ago, a 'crime' which ALL Caucasians are eternally held guilty for. The juice saw no difference between British and German in truth. All are to be eradicated as the supposed eternal enemies of the juice.

Animals Are Smarter Than You Think & It's Time to Act Accordingly

Animals Are Smarter Than You Think & It's Time to Act Accordingly

Adolf Hitler on Dealing with the jewish Threat

Adolf Hitler on Dealing with the jewish Threat

Is Big Pharma to Blame for Lack of Cancer Cures? Watch This!

The Raymond Royal Rife Beam Machine from the 1930's provenly cured 100% of cancers of all types, and provenly cured all pathogenically-caused diseases like meningitis. diphtheria, hepatitis etc.,  but POTUS Roosevelt withdrew that technology, like the Tesla technologies were withheld also, through pure Godless demonic mentality, stopping humanity entering into a golden. Satya Yuga age, so that Jews, like Roosevelt, could perpetually maintain the the power of life and death over all Gentiles. 

We have the ketogenic diet today that can reverse type 2 diabetes, as well as a great many stage 4 metastasized cancers that have not responded to chemo or radio, yet ask a doctor, they will say if it worked, we would have peer-reviewed studies to demonstrate the fact, but the fact that people are sitting before them who have already been written off to die after chemo and radio have failed, and they are still living a long time after they were sent away to die by standard big pharma oncogenic so-called therapy (a Bolshevik torture to the death in almost all cases, sooner or later, as 50% die during 'treatment', 50% of those who survive after being 'cured' from cancer die within 5 years after being cured of cancer, and 90% of cancer 'survivors' are dead within 10-15 years), fails to impress upon them. 

The modern Rife machines obviously do not work, if they did, I would buy one in an instant, I have the money, and would happily cure people from cancer and other diseases every day for free with one, but they simply do not work, the original Rife machines, the microscope and the beam machine must be re-released by public DEMAND, millions strong public demonstrations DEMANDING their release,  anything else is mere acquiescence in the face of being steadily wiped out, tolerating total genocide of one's own people. 

DEMAND the re-release of the hidden Rife technologies, the cure to all diseases. The continuing malevolence of the Rife machines being hidden away from us all is simply demonic and undeniably unacceptable, and this malevolence is continually manifest by the Jews who hid the Rife technology away from us all in the first place. The Talmud states "Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed". 


In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain received the following reply from the Grand Sanhedrin to his plea for advice on how to deal with their threatened expulsion under Spanish Law;

‘Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great a pain to hear it as yourselves.’

The advice of the Elders of Zion is the following:

As for what you say that the king of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian’s lives.
As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
‘Prince of the Jews of Constantinople’

(Julio-Inigrez de Medrano – ‘La Silva Curiosa’)
(L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ. TBR Books, Washington, D. C., (2000), pp. 51-52)

Read 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi,' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch.

Read (the Israelis of course tell us as soon as possible after this had been already leaked so as to appear to be the whistleblowers themselves, revealing such unnacceptable things themselves in the attempt to take the essential force out of such revelations.

 The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews:

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010

Is Big Pharma to Blame for Lack of Cancer Cures? Watch This!

The Raymond Royal Rife Beam Machine from the 1930's provenly cured 100% of cancers of all types, and provenly cured all pathogenically-caused diseases like meningitis. diphtheria, hepatitis etc.,  but POTUS Roosevelt withdrew that technology, like the Tesla technologies were withheld also, through pure Godless demonic mentality, stopping humanity entering into a golden. Satya Yuga age, so that Jews, like Roosevelt, could perpetually maintain the the power of life and death over all Gentiles. 

We have the ketogenic diet today that can reverse type 2 diabetes, as well as a great many stage 4 metastasized cancers that have not responded to chemo or radio, yet ask a doctor, they will say if it worked, we would have peer-reviewed studies to demonstrate the fact, but the fact that people are sitting before them who have already been written off to die after chemo and radio have failed, and they are still living a long time after they were sent away to die by standard big pharma oncogenic so-called therapy (a Bolshevik torture to the death in almost all cases, sooner or later, as 50% die during 'treatment', 50% of those who survive after being 'cured' from cancer die within 5 years after being cured of cancer, and 90% of cancer 'survivors' are dead within 10-15 years), fails to impress upon them. 

The modern Rife machines obviously do not work, if they did, I would buy one in an instant, I have the money, and would happily cure people from cancer and other diseases every day for free with one, but they simply do not work, the original Rife machines, the microscope and the beam machine must be re-released by public DEMAND, millions strong public demonstrations DEMANDING their release,  anything else is mere acquiescence in the face of being steadily wiped out, tolerating total genocide of one's own people. 

DEMAND the re-release of the hidden Rife technologies, the cure to all diseases. The continuing malevolence of the Rife machines being hidden away from us all is simply demonic and undeniably unacceptable, and this malevolence is continually manifest by the Jews who hid the Rife technology away from us all in the first place. The Talmud states "Even the best of Gentiles should all be killed". 


In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain received the following reply from the Grand Sanhedrin to his plea for advice on how to deal with their threatened expulsion under Spanish Law;

‘Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great a pain to hear it as yourselves.’

The advice of the Elders of Zion is the following:

As for what you say that the king of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian’s lives.
As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
‘Prince of the Jews of Constantinople’

(Julio-Inigrez de Medrano – ‘La Silva Curiosa’)
(L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ. TBR Books, Washington, D. C., (2000), pp. 51-52)

Read 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi,' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch.

Read (the Israelis of course tell us as soon as possible after this had been already leaked so as to appear to be the whistleblowers themselves, revealing such unnacceptable things themselves in the attempt to take the essential force out of such revelations.

 The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews:

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010

Monday, 25 September 2017

‘Faces of Ancient Europe’ Blocked in Europe for No Apparent Reason — Unless European Cultural Pride is Now ‘Offensive’ and ‘Hateful’

‘Faces of Ancient Europe’ Blocked in Europe for No Apparent Reason — Unless European Cultural Pride is Now ‘Offensive’ and ‘Hateful’

Adolf Hitler's Struggle for Peace

See here how utterly insane and barbaric the drunken madman Churchill was, no wonder he would not negotiate with Germany, he was so drunk he was physically and mentally incapable, and he was so bankrupt that he had been totally bought off by Jewish interests who paid off his massive financial debts for him, so as to engage him to fight their Jewish war for them, using England to do it.
All the videos in the following links are vital viewing. (view from 3:30 onwards for essential material, though the topic does change a few minutes after that).
Adolf Hitler's Struggle for Peace

What Binge Watching Can Physically Do To Your Body

What Binge Watching Can Physically Do To Your Body

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Are WHITE PEOPLE the Problem?

Negro people from Africa are not actually merely a different race to us, they are actually a different species, uniquely possessing a simian ledge in their skulls, which only the ape species have, as they split from the rest of the humanoid species some 72 million years ago, with Caucasians having originated not in Africa as the Jewish propagandists tell us, but in an area around Greece/Bulgaria, so we are very different creatures, though, just as with the two different cat species, the tiger and the lion, who can, under unnatural and forced circumstances, also reproduce together, and actually produce fertile offspring, called the 'liger', so also an African Negro and a white Caucasian (or an Asian) can crossbreed, and their offspring also will be fertile, but that does not mean that they are natural. See articles on this and other related topics on 'Renegade Tribune'

You can't successfully mix racially different genomes of massively different evolutionary structure, the mixes will be hugely imbalanced, with genetically predetermined differing types of skill sets suited to their particular ecosystems and environments competing in their minds with differing skill sets and instincts, they will be very uncomfortable. With the individual races having evolved to cope with very different environments, any mixed-race progeny will in fact be hugely inappropriate for coping in many ways, even physically, as darker racial mixes will get schizophrenia and rickets through not getting enough sunshine in northern climate countries, and whiter racial mixes will not be black enough anymore to protect them from excessive exposure to sunshine in equatorial regions, what will they do, they will eventually die out over time through disease, that is what, another part of the Jewish intention for all other races to become weaker and die out. 

The mixed-race man of the future would at the best only be able to comfortably physically inhabit a quite small area of the Earth, (something the genocidal Agenda 21 fanatics would love) but they would still have mental problems, they would not be comfortable, strung out between different racial memories in their genes with no sense of solid kinship. 

Such mixed-race progeny could not remain mentally and physically healthy. We must make governments, selected from our own peoples, to replace the wealthy millionaire Jewish-influenced clique that currently fields almost all the political candidates at electoral time, and elect from our own peoples, our own cultures, and encourage the peoples of other races to do the same. This does not mean hatred, but rather, much better health and conditions for all, with only temporary visas then being issued between all nations and peoples for purposes of tourism, trade delegations, scientific delegations, political delegates, embassy staff, even temporary migrant workers and so on.

We should ask all nations to operate on these principles with a good attitude towards the peoples of all others, and all nations should restore their peoples to their home lands, areas to which they are genetically and sometimes uniquely suited. 

When blacks and whites are thrust together in unpleasant circumstances, the atmosphere of hostility from the blacks can be undeniably very strong indeed, as they often have a strong sense of 'entitlement' for all the 'injustice' that their forbears went through when the Jews ran the international slave trade, which the Jews very cunningly blame on the whites, and the blacks then can manifest an overbearingly unpleasant territorial presence and seeming vengefulness, often translated into a dark, brooding malevolent hatred and actual physical violence, all of which is oppressive and actually undeserved by us whites. Jews have dominated the west for centuries, both economically and politically,  so both our peoples are victims of the Jews, and the blacks would more appropriately address their resentfulness against the Jews rather than against the whites. 

That is why the Jews brought them here, to do us in, one way or the other, after the Jews wound them up with the slave trade, with punitive economic arrangements in their own countries, with the wars that the Jewish politicians in the west are now forcing on the black countries and so on. We need to depose the Jewish politicians and bankers, and offer all other peoples a better trading relationship, one that will no longer produce a sense of having been exploited, and with that, the mental hostility will cease, using something along the lines of a federation of nations , each of which is unshackled from the parasitic Jewish banking system, able to live and trade with usury free economies, actually National Socialist economies, or very similar, such as each nation prefers to run for it's own people, all of them forming a new economic bloc that offers security in all terms to it's fellow member states..

Restore all the blacks to Africa, and give them freedom from usury, with fair trade prices in barter for all commodities traded, and the chip on the shoulder of the black man in Africa will soon vanish, but he will always be a different species, and there will always be a certain undeniable natural racial antipathy between the different races, though this need not descend into genocidal hatred and violence or exploitation. If we all live in our own lands, out of sight and mind to the other races, except when we meet to do trade, or go on holiday, or even exchange students sometimes, then no need for unpleasantness need become manifest at all, and the pseudo-scientific blather about us all being one race, with the asserted need for us all (except the Jewish people themselves who are behind the whole ridiculous plan) to merge into one race, what would only be in effect, an inferior slave caste under the intended Jewish master race,  as is really intended by the Coudenhove Kalergi program, can be entirely discarded onto the rubbish heap, where it belongs, and the Jews themselves who are in fact attempting genocide on the whites, and ultimately all other races, can also be thrown out, and sent perhaps to Birobidzhan, a semi-autonomous oblast created just for them in Russia, the size of Switzerland, created for them in the 1920's by Stalin, not without considerable foresight I think, as he knew the skullduggery that the Jews were to embark upon and created this bolt-hole for them back then.

Repatriations to other nations can be financially assisted with due recognition of each person's past contribution to society, and more financial assistance can be added for benevolent reasons besides, to create good feeling, especially to those who really have made a good effort in our societies, to assist such resettling, so that no one is made to experience disadvantage, but only advantage after such repatriation, though of course, malevolent jihadist terrorist scum posing as refugees can simply be thrown out. 

The repatriations could be phased, to give a very good deal of time for all movements to be effected as comfortably as possible, even extending timelines for the whole program over a decade or two, or even a little longer in exceptional cases. 

But legislation is necessary for genetic well-being of all the races, just as we presently have legislation preventing incest, that of course, no one needs to get up in arms about, as that is patently sensible and vitally necessary.

Mixed race people could be perhaps advised to live somewhere like Brazil or other climates suited to their skin colour, that will afford them enough light for their health. But the greater happiness and well-being of all peoples would be the ultimate intent.

The current Jewish-dominated program of steady genocide through DU, GMO, constant warfare, fake medicine (the Jewish POTUS Roosevelt withdrew the Raymond Royal Rife technology in the 1930's that cured 100% of all cases of cancer that it was tested on, and it was tested on, and completely cured all forms of diseases caused by pathogens, such as influenza, poliomyelitis, typhus,  diphtheria, meningitis, hepatitis, etc.) would all be stopped under this arrangement, and proven water-powered engine technology freed, so that the earth is no longer destroyed for oil. 

Jew Kissinger stated that the leading policy of the US in coming years would be REDUCTION OF POPULATION IN THIRD WORLD NATIONS whilst Americans consume 37 times more natural resources than those in the Third World countries.

The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide?

What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight

Christianity is no longer suitable for the power elite needs of a religion that is a political tool to get the people to self-police themselves and terrorize themselves through fear of being burned alive for all eternity after this life if they don't come up to expectations (who can?). The Christian and Muslim religions of course have sent many quite insane down through the ages, leading them to commit many mass murders, but for the purposes of maintaining an iron-fisted totalitarian regime, Christianity has now totally lost it's force, it is now no more than a paper tiger, no one listens anymore to the pathetic street preachers warning everyone of eternal flames if they don't let 'Jesus' be their 'friend'.

So, a new terrorist tool is needed for the 'liberated' western countries, that does much of the job of a stasi type brutal police force for them, by making the people be their own police, and even then, there will be actual police, like the violently insane Saudi Arabian Mutaween, the morality 'police' who have even burned little schoolgirls alive for not wearing their headdresses after running out from a girls' school when it mysteriously caught fire, and they just 'happened' to be present and shoved them back in the flames to burn to death. There, girls have acid thrown in their faces, poison put in their food, merely for attending schools, as learning for women is frowned upon there. We can expect all this to come in the west, and France will undoubtedly be Muslim-governed in the next twenty years or so, with any Muslim government inheriting a massive French nuclear arsenal of course. 

Islam is the perfect tool for repression of any people by any insane and cruel dictator of any country, and will, in many countries, be the terrorist religion which will be used to front the NWO dictatorship to come, which will in fact be controlled by cunning terrorist world dictators from the intended NWO world government headquarters in Jerusalem when the time comes, which is not far off, a few decades at the very most. 

So, quite naturally, they will now import the utterly barbaric Islam, so that people will once again keep themselves utterly terrified to death under such a fake religion, and of course, form all the little cults within Islam that routinely go around slaughtering each other exactly as they now do in the Middle East, so we can look forward to balkanized states, even block wars like in Beirut where rocket grenades are fired between rival tower blocks, and snipers pick off people from rival cults venturing outside for any reason, and of course, the power elites are people like Barbara Lerner Spectre who wishes the enforcement of the Coudenhove Kalergi Program of enforced racial interbreeding.

This same Coudenhove Kalergi racial interbreeding program (not mere 'cultural integration') was also brutally stated by the chosenite erstwhile French President, Sarkozy, to not be a matter merely of 'volunteerism', but of state edict, something that MUST take place, and if it does not, he stated, then the state will take additional measures to ensure that racial interbreeding will take place, and he was quite unambiguous, very direct and specific with his language in this regard. 

Such a proposition is unimaginably totalitarian, and racist (in that individual races other than the Tribe, who class themselves effectively as a race, even if of soul type alone, rather than based on DNA, despite the protestations of various tools of their programs of deception), will not be allowed to exist as distinct races any longer, this is a terrible crime, this is not democracy, or freedom, or indeed a program genuinely aimed to stop so-called racial hatred, it itself is a supreme example of racial hatred. Not even a farmer breeds all his animals into one breed or makes all his strains of wheat into one strain, or he would soon be out of business. 

Karl Marx stated in an article in the Paris review, many years ago "The chief mission of all other peoples and races, great and small, is TO PERISH IN THE REVOLUTIONARY HOLOCAUST". Rabbi Stephen Wise stated; "Some call it Marxism, ... I call it Judaism".

First there will be the death of the individual, then the physical enslavement under the iron fist of an unthinkably totalitarian and sadistic Orwellian world government, and then the people themselves will be phased out in favour of using more mechanised DARPA type robots for common labour, replacing the need for the Gentile servants that the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef spoke of in the Israel Times.

But Spectre, Sarkozy and the like of their tribe will be doing all the organizing from a very safe distance, they and their people will in no way get involved in interbreeding themselves with their new farm stock, nor will they become Muslim either, they fully intend to remain the rulers of all humanity, as, after all, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the late Israeli Head of the Sephardic Shas Party, stated, Gentiles were only created to serve the Jews, and that is why 'Gentiles who serve the Jews get to live a long life', get it?, if you don't serve the Jews, then of course, you get a 'short' life, like those in Germany, Libya, Iraq etc. did.