Thursday 5 April 2018

A Blank Check & Forked Tongues: How Britain & Poland Started WWII & Blamed Hitler & Germans For Eternity!

A Blank Check & Forked Tongues: How Britain & Poland Started WWII & Blamed Hitler & Germans For Eternity!: German-Polish relationships had become strained by the increasing harshness with which the Polish authorities handled the German minority.

The 1922 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica states how Germans trapped in territories ceded to Poland under the erroneously-named Versailles Treaty, were being slaughtered in their thousands even at that time, with thousands more leaving to cross the borders back into what was left of Germany.

Original copies of this must be viewed to see this fact properly documented. The truth of this matter destroys the Jewish argument that no abuse of Germans in former German territory in Poland was taking place, as the lying Jews always state that there was thus no justification for Germany entering Poland on the basis of their false statement.

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