Tuesday 17 April 2018

The solution is simple, as the overwhelmingly vast majority of these killings are committed by black people. Reduce overcrowding and poverty by reducing immigration of these violent people, and start repatriation of these forever malcontent people. Let them practice their actual terrorism and violent drug dealing back in their own nations, and 'contribute' to society there. Let an end be put to the malevolent Marxist Coudenhove Kalergi racial interbreeding agenda. We are NOT farm animals to be interbred by the Chosenites (even though they think we are). They are kicking all the blacks out of Israel, so why do the infiltrated chosenite Tribal agents working within our western governments carry on bringing them in here? Why, to subvert and then destroy us of course, as our peoples are totally incompatible as far as interbreeding and even permanent citizenship is concerned. We are told by the Marxists; "We are all the same". Why then, the obsessive rush by Chosenite politicians to physically interbreed all other races then (but not their own of course)?

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